Keywords: Nanjing cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, zhezhe claypot, duck tongue, soup bun, Qixia Mountain

Due to the nature of the Chinese language and its dialects, many foods have developed various similar-sounding but different-looking written forms.

One instance from this video is cuttlefish 目鱼 (mu yu), which is generally referred to as 墨鱼 (mo yu) outside the Jiangnan area (there are other terms in other areas). Take note that this shouldn’t be confused with 鳎目鱼 tonguefish, often shortened to 目鱼 as well.

Other examples include 凉皮 (liang pi), a type of cold noodle dish also called 酿皮 (niang pi) in some regions as seen at 2:13 in this video (; the famous dim sum siumai variously written as 烧卖/稍美 (shaomai/shaomei) etc. as I wrote at length in the “description” section of this video (; the flatbread-like 挞馃/拓粿/踏果 (roughly pronounced ta guo) from the Huizhou area of Anhui Province; the yellowhead catfish 黄辣丁/黄腊丁 (both huang la ding), which has various other names that I will introduce in a later video filmed in Hanzhong back in October.
其他例子有凉皮/酿皮 ,各种各样的烧卖写法 (如稍美、烧麦),徽州的挞馃/拓粿/踏果,还有黄辣丁/黄腊丁等等。

I should point out there are those that distinguish the constituents in the groups listed above, but in general I think such distinctions are chiefly based on personal views rather than widely accepted consensus, and I’ve seen plenty of people (including readers of my articles) debate among themselves about definitions of such foods.
不过需要指出,有些人会区分上述单词所代表或定义的食物,但窃以为这些区分主要是基于个人观点,也受限于个人认知,并非普遍性的定义。我的某些文章就有读者为了这些定义而辩论 (如这篇关于徽州挞馃的食记。

However, writing “dudu” instead of “zhezhe” to refer to the sizzling claypot as I’ve expounded in this video is simply an error, no other explanations for that mistake.

PS: More about the “zhezhe-sounding” and sizzling claypot cooking at 0:35 here

Name: 强烨饭店
Add.: 长白街636号 (江苏南京 Nanjing, Jiangsu)
Tel.: 13915973379
Cost (this meal): RMB 208/p
Price (online info): RMB 140/p
