The Chinese food that you get in Chinese restaurants may seem simple, but trying to make the same dishes at home often yields umami-less results. Is it the soy sauce, is it the wok, or is it something more?

#ChineseFood #AtHome #CookingTips

You’re using the wrong sauces | 0:00
You aren’t adding MSG | 0:56
You aren’t achieving wok hei | 2:06
You don’t have enough experience | 3:06
You don’t own a good, seasoned wok | 4:15
You’re not shopping at an Asian market | 5:17
You’re not adding the right type of sugar | 6:11
You’re not buying your seafood fresh | 7:05
You’re not using the right soy sauce | 7:47
You don’t have the right spices | 8:52
You’re skimping on the fat | 9:39
You haven’t mastered sticky rice | 10:31
You’re not velveting your meat | 11:27

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