#美食 #vlog #中國 #街頭美食 即使在中國人的印像中,浙江美食也絕對是口味溫和的代表。但在這裡竟然藏著一座“超能吃辣”的城市——衢州。或許你沒有聽說過這裡,但你可能會知道周迅(第25屆香港金像獎最佳女主角及第43屆金馬獎最佳女主角香港電影評論學會大獎、香港電影金紫荊獎等多個影后獎座),衢州,正是她的老家的家鄉。這次在衢州,我們發現了很多好吃的街頭美食,快來跟我一起看看吧~ Even in the impression of Chinese people, Zhejiang cuisine is definitely the representative of mild taste. But here lies a city that is “super spicy” – Quzhou. You may not have heard of it, but you may know Zhou Xun, the famous Chinese film actress’… Continue Reading 2022 中國美食之旅 中國浙江竟然藏著一個超能吃辣的城市? !覓食衢州72小時

网站上写开门时间是中午十一点 结果到了门口看见贴着11:30开门 然而进去问了工作人员才知道是11点开的门,只是我们没有推门进去。。。 这一期的收音不太理想 请大家见谅了 source

#Chinese #AirFryerCooking #easyrecipes #airfryerrecipes ——————————————— Music : Epidemic Sound / https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/afZXjQRjUR/ //Still Broke-oomiee ——————————————— Ingredients 220g chicken breast 2 green onions 2 slices ginger 1 tbsp. cooking wine 1 tbsp. Soy sauce, light 1 tbsp. neutral oil 1 tbsp. oyster sauce 1 tbsp. Bbq rub 1 tbsp. chilies, dried 1 tbsp.… Continue Reading Hot and Spicy Chicken Shreds (麻辣鸡丝) – Chinese Sichuan Food | Air Fryer Recipes #shorts

Sichuan is known for its love of spice. It’s the birthplace of mala hot pot, mapo tofu, and dandan noodles—all made with copious amounts of chili and peppercorn. How did this region come to fall in love with spicy food, and what are the core ingredients? This is the fifth… Continue Reading How Did Sichuan Fall In Love With Spice? – Eat China (S1E5)