夫妻肺片(Sliced beef and ox organs in chili sauce) ,是一道四川成都名菜,由郭朝华、张田政夫妻创制而成。通常以牛头皮、牛心、牛舌、牛肚、牛肉为主料,进行卤制,而后切片。再配以辣椒油、花椒面等辅料制成红油浇在上面。其制作精细,色泽美观,质嫩味鲜,麻辣浓香,非常适口。 2017年5月,美国《GQ》杂志发布了餐饮品赏大师BrettMartin最新出炉的”美国2017餐饮排行榜”,位于休斯敦的PepperTwins双椒川菜馆的招牌凉菜”夫妻肺片”荣登榜首,被评选为”年度开胃菜”(Appetizer of the Year)。这道菜的英文名被翻译成”史密斯夫妇”(Mr and Mrs Smith)。 2018年9月10日,”中国菜”正式发布,”夫妻肺片”被评为”中国菜”四川十大经典名菜。 source

Sichuan, a province landlocked at the heart of China, is home to stunning natural scenery, busy bustling metropolitan cities, the most hospitable and friendliest people, and of course, some of the best foods I have ever tasted hands down! Today will be a compilation of the 10 best dishes coming… Continue Reading Top 10 Dishes in Sichuan Cuisine