和女友吃山东美食,这表情吓坏隔壁小姐姐,山东的美食果然名不虚传,老鸡口水留一地,这味道绝了! 大家好我是土家佳乐!点这里订阅⇨https://tujialaoji.page.link/naxz 我会记录土家族农村生活 带大家看遍土家风景,尝尽土家不一样的特色风味 用镜头记录最惬意的乡村生活,分享最美的最真实的农村,品味别样的人生百态! #土家佳乐#农村生活#山东 乡巴佬来到美丽的临沂,和女友吃山东美食,这表情吓坏隔壁小姐姐【土家佳乐】 source

Welcome to Don’t Worry Be Happy. In this month’s episode, we will look at food, in particular Guangdong cuisine. Now here in China, there is food from pretty much everywhere. We will cover that as time goes by. As we are here in Dongguan, we thought it to fitting to… Continue Reading Dongguan Live: 5.Cantonese food