安徽大哥家里开饭店,主要做重口味美食,麻辣鸡头和香肚,一般人不敢吃,他们家饭店一天烧100斤,光洗就5遍! ?牛肉汤:https://youtu.be/gMTdBuA9aT8 ?牛肉汤2:https://youtu.be/yrwy5I8Jts8 ?鸭血粉丝汤:https://youtu.be/v5O9S9tNJhU 大家好,我是麦总,生活中一大爱好是尝遍美食 立志走遍大江南北挖掘市井中的美味 带给大家不一样的美食文化 喜欢我就点击订阅吧:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX-M8j9vQ-oUGO9Mckd601A?sub_confirmation=1 #重口味美食#麻辣鸡头#麦总去哪吃 source

Come join me on two classic NYC days exploring the city and eating food from all over the world. 00:00 Chinatown 01:38 Soho 03:12 Central Park 04:10 L’Artusi Silent Vlog source

For today’s food tasting, I am heading to Chinatown in Brooklyn which runs along 8th Avenue. In specific, I am going to be trying the food court in Fei Long Market. I am going to try two places in the food court, Lanzhou Noodle (蘭州拉面) and Wu’s Snack (伍記小食). I… Continue Reading Brooklyn Chinatown Food Court Tasting | Hand Pulled Noodles (蘭州拉面) | Roasted Pork (伍記小食)

Part 2 of my NYC trip 🙂 Definitely a hell of a trip that I will remember forever. It was so eye opening and I had so much fun! Definitely had to recuperate when I got home though…. (And yes, I’ve finally settled my wallet fiasco… thank god!) Also, sorry… Continue Reading NYC VLOG Pt. 2 | Chinatown food, Central Park, Drawing at the Met ???

In this video, we will take you some of the best places in Sydney Chinatown were you can both drink and get amazing food. Bancho – https://www.banchobar.com.au/ Nakano Darling – https://nakanodarling.com.au/ Bornga – https://g.page/Bornga-Sydney-BBQ?share Kiroran Silk Road Uyghur Food – https://goo.gl/maps/By3sVwGtcRpQmXPx9 My Blog & Social Media links: Blog: https://ramenraff.blogspot.com Instagram:… Continue Reading Filipino's guide to Sydney Chinatown Drinks and Food Places, Bars, Restaurants

안녕하세요! 까니짱입니다 ? 오늘은 작년겨울에 찍었던 영상인데 지금 업로드하네요 ^^* 코다차야라는 술집에서 술한잔도 하고 다양한 안주도 먹어봤어요!! 실내 포장마차 분위기라 술한잔하기에도 괜찮았고 안주도 맛있었어요 ㅎㅎ 그럼 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 ❤ ? ↓까니짱 2번째 채널 – 가은아 뭐하니↓ ? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0v9RmyOEr-J8kuu95nQZZw?view_as=subscriber E-mail : [email protected] INSTA : g_niiiiiii #Mukbang #먹방 #야외먹방 #코다차야 #닭볶음탕… Continue Reading 추운 겨울날 먹었던 코다차야에서 술한잔~? 먹방 | 닭볶음탕, 크림새우, 짬뽕, 콘치즈 , 금복주 | Mukbang

Hello everyone, [TheBestEaterFriend] has officially entered YouTube From the countryside to the city, and from the city back to the hometown There are bumps and bumps along the way, only oneself can understand the hardships of starting a business Here we will share hometown specialties every day Hope to bring… Continue Reading About the dishwashing thing!!| Chinese food | Food Blind Box | Funny Pranks | TikTok Video

Time/时间: May 25,2020 Coffee ☕️ :https://www.paypal.me/lushangxing Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/creator-home Map route(Blue 59)/地图路线(蓝色59):https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uKxA30rhWxTyfWOBLSh13GbicCxt9NRL&usp=sharing Equipment/设备: FDR-AX700 – Sony, stabilizer like Ronin-S – DJI Brief introduction/内容简介: 00:00 浙江中路 25:17 北海路 32:55 广东路 Introduction/介绍:广东路,是上海市黄浦区一条东西向马路。东起中山东一路,西达西藏中路,全长1447米,为沥青路面。此路曾称为北门街、宝善街、正丰街等。1865年起改称Canton Road,但由于清朝时「广州市」被仍然称作「广东省城」(广州市市政厅1921年2月15日成立),英文为「Canton」,遂中文常为人略写作广东路并沿用至今。 在上海开埠前,通向黄浦江共有四条土路,广东路所在的位置便是其中一条土路。1845年,在签订第一次土地章程之时规定“商人租定基地内,前议留出浦大路四条……一在四分地之南……”[2],该条土路得以保留,并在1846年以后被改筑为现代道路,最初设计为二丈宽[3]。由于该路靠近上海县城的北门,故最初称为北门街。 1850年代起,英租界道路码头委员会将道路逐渐延伸。到1862年,马路的最西端已经到达今天浙江中路的位置。其中今天河南中路至福建中路的一段被称为宝善街,一度成为戏院、茶馆、青楼业聚集的中心[4]。福建中路至浙江中路的一段则称为正丰街。街道名称来源于开设在其上的正丰酱园[5]。 1862年,随着第二跑马场的拆除,马路再度延伸到泥城浜。新筑的一段因此称为西正丰街,而原先的则被称为东正丰街。1865年,为了改变混乱的租界道路名称,公共租界工部局将北门街、宝善街、正丰街统一命名。当时工部局将东西向道路统一使用中国的主要城市作为名称,该路遂被命名为Canton Road,俗称五马路。由于清朝时并未有“广州市”,“Canton”一词是指“广东省城”,因此后来在翻译中被译作广东路,并沿用至今。[1] 早期,广东路东段多是洋行的堆栈。原宝善街的部分则在1870年代前后便成为主要的娱乐业中心。原东正丰街的部分,则有上海第一个公用电话亭,并配有专线直接十六铺。1920年代初,广东路东部则出现了三菱洋行、日清汽船会社等机构,而西段则以商业和居住区为主。 Reference website/参考网站:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B9%BF%E4%B8%9C%E8%B7%AF_(%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7) Not a vlog, just a record; if you have a better suggestion, please leave… Continue Reading 【4K】上海漫步浙江中路&广东路街景/Shanghai stroll Zhejiang Middle Road Guangdong Road Street view

support: https://paypal.me/pools/c/850PNJ1g4M In this episode we will show you three variants of Chinese cuisine: hamburger from Shaanxi Province, Chongqing Hot Pot and Dongbei dumplings. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/China24TV/notifications/ source

Hello everyone, [TheBestEaterFriend] has officially entered YouTube From the countryside to the city, and from the city back to the hometown There are bumps and bumps along the way, only oneself can understand the hardships of starting a business Here we will share hometown specialties every day Hope to bring… Continue Reading Leave me some!| Chinese food | Food Blind Box | Funny Pranks | TikTok Video