安徽大叔小镇开饭馆,外地顾客坐飞机来吃,大小饭店都干不过他 大家好,我是探味小幺, 喜欢美食吗?喜欢中国美食吗?是不是想想就流口水了? 关注我,小幺带你尝遍中国小吃街,品尝不一样的美味! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN7FDqYhlRwHU0mXDzidJkA?sub_confirmation=1 #探味小幺#探店#美食 更多精彩视频看这里?? 成都老板半山腰开饭店:https://youtu.be/vMkZmg_d00g 河北夫妻开封开店:https://youtu.be/jKiAnrpUtio 安徽怪老头卖炒菜:https://youtu.be/zoo_EmgPQEM 山东小伙卖猪头汤:https://youtu.be/Cf7U1kOg8Tw 安徽大爷自创小吃2元卖:https://youtu.be/qfnsMf6b-5s source

It’s time for a holiday celebration!!! But not one we usually celebrate in the West. In this episode of Streetfood, my friend Sunshine teaches us the history behind Dragon Boat Festival, and we learn to make the traditional Chinese snack of choice during said holiday: Zongzi. Cook along at home… Continue Reading Street Food, Epi 2.11 China – Feed the Sea Monsters (Zongzi)

大家好,这里是小食光光! 相信每一个吃货都有一颗积极向上的心, 卡姆昂来吧微胖才是境界! 喜欢吃的帅哥、美女、大叔、大妈、大哥、大姐们, 欢迎关注“小食光光”,光光带你吃遍中国美食! ?https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH-GaKOFYThhy_PF51masXg?sub_confirmation=1 脸书:https://www.facebook.com/GuangGuangFood/ #小食光光#街边小吃#安徽美食#怪老头炒菜#乡村土大厨 安徽大爷卖1元小吃,顾客认声不认人,叫卖堪比男高音,太有魔力 source

This week we revisit my local snack corner, but this time we go at night. It’s a lot different, but the food is still legit. A friendly couple from Anhui make me some Chao Bing – a truly filling snack. Check it out! Become a Streetfoodie on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/streetfoodies Support… Continue Reading Street Food (China) Epi 8.4 – Stir Fried Bread 炒饼