Hello Everyone, My name is Malik and I love food and traveling, today I’m exploring Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur. Chinatown Kuala Lumpur, aka Jalan Petaling, is a food haven of authentic street food. Most of the stalls are run by aunties and uncles who have been there for decades and… Continue Reading Amazing Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur ( PART 1 ) | Street Food Paradise

CHINESE CUISINE, CHINESE FOOD, JIANBING, CHINESE EGG PANCAKE, CHINATOWN LONDON, CREPE, I absolutely LOVED these and bought 2 pancakes back to back! 🙂 I was very surprised how good they were! I’ll be back for more for sure! Jianbing (simplified Chinese: 煎饼; traditional Chinese: 煎餅; pinyin: jiānbǐng; lit. ‘fried pancake’)… Continue Reading CHINESE CUISINE, CHINESE FOOD, JIANBING, CHINESE EGG PANCAKE, CHINATOWN LONDON, CREPE

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning 200 grams of rabbit meat, 150 grams of pork fat and meat, respectively, into the bowl, into the bowl, with 50 ml of water, scatter, add… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine;Chinese cooking, Fish flavored crispy rabbit cake; 川菜 鱼香酥皮兔糕

chinatown bangkok https://goo.gl/maps/d5LKcW2W4xNoUXmT6 source

We walked for more than an hour from our hotel to Redhill Food Centre. We discovered different dishes from hawker stalls at Redhill who have been serving food there since 1972. source

Braised pork balls in gravy are one of the representative dishes in Chinese Shandong cuisine. The four big meatballs represent the four major happy events of life, wealth, longevity and marriage. The auspicious meaning of this dish makes it a popular choice for all kinds of festive banquets, the finale… Continue Reading Braised Pork Balls in Gravy ? 四喜丸子

一年一度的萨吾尔冬牧文化节在新疆阿勒泰的小城吉木乃举办,萨乌尔山是北疆优良的冬季牧场,是哈萨克族生存繁衍的地方。节日不仅展现了游牧民族的风俗,生活场景,体育项目,还有让阿星垂涎欲滴的大锅冰川羊肉,美食美景都很棒。 The annual Sawuer Winter Animal Husbandry Cultural Festival is held in Jimunai, a small town in Aletai, Xinjiang. Sawuer Mountain is an excellent winter pasture in northern Xinjiang, where the Kazakhs live and multiply. The festival not only showed the customs of nomads, life scenes, sports events, but also… Continue Reading 新疆萨吾尔冬牧节,阿星吃大锅冰川羊肉,体验哈萨克族游牧民俗Big pot glacier lamb in Xinjiang

After arriving in New York City, I needed some CHINESE FOOD! So, I headed to Flushing to meet up with my friend Xiao Ma an incredible content creator who is famous for shocking people with his mind-blowing language proficiency skills! ? Buy David’s Been Here Hot Sauce: https://suyumfoods.com/?ref=DAVIDSBEENHERE ? Visit… Continue Reading Xiaomanyc CHINESE FOOD TOUR of New York City! The BEST CHINESE FOOD in NYC!

From Old Town to Chinatown we ate our way all day! In between we did some shopping and explored the city on foot! It was a fantastic day and we are happy to share it with you! Bangkok is filled with sights and smells that tempt you just about every… Continue Reading Bangkok – Amazing Street Food ? From Old Town to Chinatown Let's EAT!

訂閱頻道:http://bit.ly/2xoFHDj Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/c/LatteFood Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/LattFood/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/latte_food/ Web:http://lattefood.com/ Mail:[email protected] 小時候父母很常帶我去方家小館吃飯,道地的江浙菜作法總是吸引不少饕客前往。這支影片是2018年10月10號我孩子VITO過生日用餐時使用OPPO手機拍攝的,結果沒想到轉檔到電腦的過程中出了問題,影片素材都無法判讀。 直到最近空下來才想辦法把素材拯救下來! 解決不了的事情,先放一放或許就能找到方法~ 這家特別推薦大家一定要點他們的涼菜!各式涼菜都是店內師傅自己製作,還有就是小籠湯包跟蔥油餅也是一絕,推薦大家有機會到天母能品嚐看看,這是我從小吃到大的味道! 店名:方家小館 地點: https://goo.gl/maps/cGgHdJYGeS1NQFkx8 source