Stuffed fried eggplant, sometimes called “eggplant sandwiches” (god I hate that translation). Regardless, this’s my personal favorite eggplant dish of all time – it’s one of those dishes that even people that aren’t crazy about eggplant would definitely love. This eggplant is stuffed with pork, but honestly? You can skip… Continue Reading Chinese Stuffed Fried Eggplant, Sichuan-style (炸茄盒)

MSG noodles – yep, you read that right (a direct translation of the Chinese – 味精素面). They’re a classic dish from Leshan, a great food city a couple hours south of Chengdu. They’re a pretty easy dish all things considered – basically just a mix of MSG, chili oil, and… Continue Reading Sichuan MSG Noodles (味精素面)