Is British food really THAT bad? Raz and Lila asked their Scottish friend Danny to take them to the most authentic British food restaurant in Beijing… what happened there was totally unexpected! Disses, cash bets and an acting scene from the Oscars…. This episode is in one word – HILARIOUS!… Continue Reading Trying “Authentic” British food for the FIRST TIME!

October 2019, we were finding premium Baijiu in Huai-An, China. Also, we were lucky to ended our trip with authentic Huai-Yang cuisines. WeChat官方账号 WeChatID: sg-xzyx 新加坡中国白酒协会致力于落地推广白酒文化,以贵州茅台酒会友! 新加坡当地人初体验中国白酒的反应会是如何呢? 快加入我们”新中有侠” 微信以及公众号取得最新活动以及优惠消息!! Music from Youtube Audio Library Our Facebook:… Our Instagram: Our Linkedin:… source

Cantonese versus Sichuan – what are the differences? We only see a slice of what Chinese food really is, but we sat down with the authors of ‘China: The Cookbook’ to discuss all the variety that exists across Chinese cuisine SUBSCRIBE: FACEBOOK: CHECK OUT our homepage: source

蔥㸆鯽魚是一道特別家常的上海本幫菜,只用鯽魚和小蔥兩種簡單的食材,上海家家戶戶基本都會做。這道菜講究的就是一個“㸆”字,這也是江浙菜中的傳統做法,便是用小火讓湯汁慢慢滲透進食材裏,再大火急收,成為濃郁的醬汁。㸆鯽魚用的小蔥一定要小火煸透,這樣香味才釋放得更加完全。視頻裏還有大廚教你煎魚不粘底的絕招,記得學哦! Crucian Carp Kao-ed with Spring Onions is a Shanghai cuisine often enjoyed by the locals. Only two ingredients, crucian carp and spring onions. Every family knows how to cook it. The key of the dish is “Kao”, which is a traditional way of cooking in Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine.… Continue Reading 美食台 | 蔥㸆鯽魚,上海人有訣竅

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Last time, we went to 4 different households and experienced 4 different gourmet regional cuisines out of the 8, which are Cantonese, Hunan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Today, we will take you to another 4 households to show you Shandong, Fujian, Szechuan and Anhui cuisines. Who’s ready to get ‘em all?… Continue Reading The Top 8 Chinese Regional Cuisines Part 2 | EP25 Open China

Time/时间: May 25,2020 Coffee ☕️ : Patreon: Map route(Blue 59)/地图路线(蓝色59): Equipment/设备: FDR-AX700 – Sony, stabilizer like Ronin-S – DJI Brief introduction/内容简介: 00:00 浙江中路 25:17 北海路 32:55 广东路 Introduction/介绍:广东路,是上海市黄浦区一条东西向马路。东起中山东一路,西达西藏中路,全长1447米,为沥青路面。此路曾称为北门街、宝善街、正丰街等。1865年起改称Canton Road,但由于清朝时「广州市」被仍然称作「广东省城」(广州市市政厅1921年2月15日成立),英文为「Canton」,遂中文常为人略写作广东路并沿用至今。 在上海开埠前,通向黄浦江共有四条土路,广东路所在的位置便是其中一条土路。1845年,在签订第一次土地章程之时规定“商人租定基地内,前议留出浦大路四条……一在四分地之南……”[2],该条土路得以保留,并在1846年以后被改筑为现代道路,最初设计为二丈宽[3]。由于该路靠近上海县城的北门,故最初称为北门街。 1850年代起,英租界道路码头委员会将道路逐渐延伸。到1862年,马路的最西端已经到达今天浙江中路的位置。其中今天河南中路至福建中路的一段被称为宝善街,一度成为戏院、茶馆、青楼业聚集的中心[4]。福建中路至浙江中路的一段则称为正丰街。街道名称来源于开设在其上的正丰酱园[5]。 1862年,随着第二跑马场的拆除,马路再度延伸到泥城浜。新筑的一段因此称为西正丰街,而原先的则被称为东正丰街。1865年,为了改变混乱的租界道路名称,公共租界工部局将北门街、宝善街、正丰街统一命名。当时工部局将东西向道路统一使用中国的主要城市作为名称,该路遂被命名为Canton Road,俗称五马路。由于清朝时并未有“广州市”,“Canton”一词是指“广东省城”,因此后来在翻译中被译作广东路,并沿用至今。[1] 早期,广东路东段多是洋行的堆栈。原宝善街的部分则在1870年代前后便成为主要的娱乐业中心。原东正丰街的部分,则有上海第一个公用电话亭,并配有专线直接十六铺。1920年代初,广东路东部则出现了三菱洋行、日清汽船会社等机构,而西段则以商业和居住区为主。 Reference website/参考网站: Not a vlog, just a record; if you have a better suggestion, please leave… Continue Reading 【4K】上海漫步浙江中路&广东路街景/Shanghai stroll Zhejiang Middle Road Guangdong Road Street view

If you only had one day in Shanghai, what should you eat? Shanghai native and self-described foodie Wilson Mao takes us on a food crawl to try some of his favorite places. This is the ninth episode of our 13-part series on Chinese food called Eat China. In the next… Continue Reading Shanghai Food Tour: Best Soup Dumplings, Pan-Fried Buns, and River Shrimp Ceviche – Eat China (S1E9)

In today’s VLOG, March 28th, my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Gary leave Ningbo today, so me and Gary took a long ride around DongQian. He got a chance to test out my trike and give me his thoughts on it. Ran into a couple students….. and flew the drone around… Continue Reading TRIKES and BIKES, CHINESE FOOD and IMPRESSIONS of CHINA