Chinese food | food challenge | Chinese culture | chili | chinese new year 2022, Spicy roast beef bone, fried bacon with bitter gourd, marinated seafood, goose egg, loach drilled tofu, Peking duck, spicy stinky tofu, fried meat with plantain core, nutritious meals. Video Chapters: 0:00 Spicy roast beef bone… Continue Reading Chinese food | food challenge | Chinese culture | chili | chinese new year 2022

作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

大家好,我是麦总!今天来浙江绍兴吃最地道的次坞打面,72岁老夫妻相伴近50年开老店,独家秘方和技术吸人眼球! 生活中一大爱好是尝遍美食 立志走遍大江南北挖掘市井中的美味 带给大家不一样的美食文化 喜欢我就点击订阅吧: 浙江绍兴,72岁老夫妻做次坞打面,40年如一日,自称要干到90岁【麦总去哪吃】 #面食 #街头美食 #浙江美食 #麦总去哪吃 source