Anything goes in Ayaka’s Kitchen! From jerk chicken sushi roll to pickled peach sushi roll, the guest will introduce an ingredient and their culture, and Ayaka will roll sushi live on the internet! Let’s see if it’s good or VERY GOOD! Host: Ayaka Kinugawa (she/her) Guest: Desmond Ngai Live Stream… Continue Reading Ayaka's Kitchen Ft Desmond Ngai (Cantonese Cuisine)

Eating frog and Ostrich meat in Restoran De Hunan on Kuchai Lama Road, Malaysia. ครั้งแรกที่กินอาหารหูหนานกับเมนูแปลกเช่น ผักกบ และ เนื้อนกกระจอกเทศย่างสไตล์หูหนาน ทุกจานการันตีความเผ็ด พริกแดงมาก แสบปากมากเลย source

what is it? Is it a suitcase? actually more than a suitcase, It is our portable kitchen for outdoor use, with functions of BBQ&GAS STOVE&CAMPING TABLE.and most kitchenware stored inside the “small case”, can you believe it? any interested pls contact me for more Jessy Pu Enjoynat Zhejiang Outdoor Products… Continue Reading portable camp kitchen

穀雨一到,春天就接近尾聲了,這段時間人易抑鬱焦躁,宜多去大自然散散心。今天帶大家去水墨徽州,品嘗一種非常臭美的魚,排解胸中悶氣! The spring is coming to an end when the Grain Rain arrives, and people are prone to depression and anxiety. Spending more time in nature should be helpful. Today, we will take you to Huizhou, to taste a stinky but delicious fish, and to relieve your gloomy thoughts! source

As an international pop star, Kris Wu has eaten renditions of dishes from his native China the world over. Eager to learn more about regional Chinese cuisine, Sean Evans takes Kris to Mr. Bing, a new home for Beijing-style street food in NYC. From the pancake-like jianbings, to bowls of… Continue Reading Kris Wu Schools Sean Evans on Regional Chinese Food | Sean in the Wild

蔥㸆鯽魚是一道特別家常的上海本幫菜,只用鯽魚和小蔥兩種簡單的食材,上海家家戶戶基本都會做。這道菜講究的就是一個“㸆”字,這也是江浙菜中的傳統做法,便是用小火讓湯汁慢慢滲透進食材裏,再大火急收,成為濃郁的醬汁。㸆鯽魚用的小蔥一定要小火煸透,這樣香味才釋放得更加完全。視頻裏還有大廚教你煎魚不粘底的絕招,記得學哦! Crucian Carp Kao-ed with Spring Onions is a Shanghai cuisine often enjoyed by the locals. Only two ingredients, crucian carp and spring onions. Every family knows how to cook it. The key of the dish is “Kao”, which is a traditional way of cooking in Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine.… Continue Reading 美食台 | 蔥㸆鯽魚,上海人有訣竅

Beef And Broccoli Recipe @ Beef And Broccoli Chinese Restaurant Food Recipes. How To Cook Asian Food. source

VIDEO EXTRA: Christine’s honored guests at the Shandong banquet talk about their knowledge of Chinese culture and cuisine. Exclusive video extra from the new food doc series Confucius Was a Foodie. source