第一次見燒洋芋這種小吃,是簡簡單單的美味?!#shorts #streetfood #chinastreetfood #chinafood
第一次見燒洋芋這種小吃,是簡簡單單的美味?!#shorts #streetfood #chinastreetfood #chinafood source
第一次見燒洋芋這種小吃,是簡簡單單的美味?!#shorts #streetfood #chinastreetfood #chinafood source
So recommended! Everything was so flavorful! #shorts source
下面是葱油的应用: There are some of the applications of scallion oil: 第一,葱油可以运用到拌面,拌凉菜,或者葱油鸡 1. Scallion oil can be used for noodles, cold dishes, salads, scallion chicken 第二,葱油在行业中还有一个名字叫做“明油”,菜品在起锅前加入适量的“明油”可以增加菜品的亮度和香味 2. There is another name for scallion oil in Chinese restaurant industry called “Brighten Oil”. Adding an appropriate amount of “Brighten Oil” at final stage… Continue Reading Chef Wang teaches you: “Scallion Oil”, a Chinese cuisine must! 葱油明油【Cooking ASMR】
下面开始松鼠鱼的技术总结 There is the technical summary of the Squirrel Fish: 第一,鱼的种类不受限制,可以选择淡水鱼和海鱼 1. You can use a variety of fish to make this dish, fresh water fish or ocean fish will both work 第二,改花刀的时候最好能贴着鱼皮走,这样处理的鱼肉散花更好看 2. The depth of the cut should be as close to the skin as possible in order… Continue Reading Chef Wang teaches you: Chinese authentic “Squirrel Fish”, amazing knife skills! 松鼠鱼【Cooking ASMR】