After retiring from his office job, Li Cong opened a restaurant that serves traditional Shanghainese fare that few others still make. His most popular items include fermented bean curd, also known as “Chinese cheese,” fresh scallops, and fish liver. But what makes Shanghainese cuisine unique? Chef Li shares the philosophy… Continue Reading Shanghainese Dishes, Classic But Quirky (Chef’s Plate Ep. 12)

#中醫 #食療 #健康 #養生 #抗疲勞 #生活小妙招 #健康養生 #煲湯 #天麻魚頭湯 #天麻玉竹湯 #偏頭痛 #睡眠不好 喜歡我的視頻,記得訂閱、點贊、評論、分享,感謝您的支持 腎不好、泡泡尿?它是天然的腎臟排毒擠,每喝一杯,就等於洗腎一次,再深的腎毒都被排亁淨 #枸杞黄芪水,【二妹養生館】 如果你喜歡我的視頻,#乐厨怡妈shorts 更多精彩視頻看這裡?? 請點擊右側連結關注我的頻道 ? source

Here are some ways to tell if a Chinese restaurant is authentic or not. Chinese foods that Chinese people will never eat Hot oil recipe ►Subscribe for more videos about food! ★↓FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA!↓★ Facebook Show Page: Facebook Mike Fan Page: Instagram: Twitter:… Continue Reading 10 Ways to Spot a Fake Chinese Restaurant

Yummy Chinese Mukbang Eating Spicy FOOD – SOUND – PORK BELLY – PORK SKIN – Sana ASMR #ASMR​ #Mukbang​ #Spicy​food Q&A; What’s ASMR meaning? ASMR is a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people… Continue Reading Yummy Chinese Mukbang Eating Spicy SEAFOOD, CRAB, OCTOPUS, LOBSTER 25

Keywords: Nanjing Eye, Wenzhou cuisine The original design of the Nanjing Eye Pedestrian Bridge by the firm of Zaha Hadid, also responsible for the nearby Nanjing International Youth Cultural Centre, initially harbored much bigger ambitions, but constraints forced the plan to downscale, but even then the result was sufficient to… Continue Reading In-Season Wenzhou Crabs Have Lots More Than Just Meat, and Wenzhou Fishballs Don't Look Like Balls

一位山东的朋友特别想吃老家的“爆炒腰花”为了满足他的小小要求,今天在我家中小厨房为他试一试 食材:猪腰,山药,木耳,葱,姜,蒜,红辣椒,白胡椒粉,料酒,生抽,干淀粉,食用油,盐,白糖,味精/鸡精,陈醋,老抽 经典鲁菜“爆炒腰花”用家常小灶也能完美复原、很接地气靠谱!【美食强】 #美食强#爆炒腰花#经典鲁菜 我是美食强,一个爱生活,爱老婆,爱孩子的朴实的安徽汉子~ 用美食记录生活,用营养和健康记录孩子的成长 每天分享一道家常菜,让生活多些爱和美味。 厨爸做菜宝宝来吃,硬核家常菜,让美食带上爱的味道!欢迎订阅与转发! ? source

韭菜水餃 冬至到,送給大家一碗餃子,每顆餃子都是微笑和祝福 #中國美食#學做菜#川菜 source


ASMR | 매운비빔국수김치 먹방 | 매운볶음우동면 먹방 | 중국당면수육먹방 | 삼겹살김치과볶음밥 먹방 | 틈새라면과면김치찌개 먹방 리얼사운드 ASMR MUKBANG CHINESE FOOD MUKBANG EATING SHOW Chinese Food Eating MUKBANG ASMR Noodles 매운비빔국수 김치 먹방 매운볶음우동면 먹방 중국당면 수육 먹방 삼겹살 김치 과 볶음밥 먹방 틈새라면 과 면김치찌개 먹방 리얼사운드 먹방 중국당면과 집밥… Continue Reading ASMR | 매운비빔국수김치 먹방 | 매운볶음우동면 먹방 | 중국당면수육먹방 | 삼겹살김치과볶음밥 먹방 | 틈새라면과면김치찌개 먹방 리얼사운드

Eating spicy food is a science In the hands of Sichuan people, chili peppers may be eaten in ten thousand ways Pickled chili, dried chili, chili powder, red oil, bean paste and various chili sauces Dip in water, roast pepper preserved eggs, twice-cooked pork… any two meals are a feast… Continue Reading Chinese cuisine ! Eating spicy food is a science.|ChenChen