
油焖大虾是山东省的一道特色名菜,属于鲁菜;该菜品的主要食材为清明前渤海湾的大对虾,使用鲁菜特有的油焖技法。这是一道历史悠久的名菜,鲜香甜咸四种味道相辅相成,回味无穷。 Braised prawns in oil is a famous dish in Shandong Province and belongs to Shandong cuisine. The main ingredient of this dish is the prawns from Bohai Bay before Qingming Festival, using the unique oil stewing technique of Shandong cuisine. This is a famous dish with a long history.… Continue Reading Simple Braised prawns【油焖大虾】recipe|Chinese Shandong cuisine|traditional Chinese dish|Fried Shrimps