谢谢大家的收看,下面附有菜谱,欢迎大家订阅我的频道,喜欢这个视频的话请点个赞,也欢迎您提出建议。也请关注我的instagram 和微博 instagram: nanasinternationalkitchen Weibo:Nana的国际厨房 facebook group: nana’s international kitchen 菜谱: 粉料: 干辣椒120克 青花椒10克 小茴香1茶匙 芝麻:按喜好,不用打粉,和干料放一起 熬油料: 生姜50克 葱白段40克 洋葱100克 香叶3片 桂皮1小段 丁香6粒 八角2个 油800毫升 香醋1茶匙 盐:按喜好 Recipe: dry ingredients: dry chilies 120g Sichuan pepper corn 10g fennel seeds 1tsp white sesame: optional oil ingredients: ginger 50g green onion white… Continue Reading Chilli Oil One Of The Most Important Condiments In Sichuan Cuisine China 辣椒油 川菜的灵魂酱料

?? WHO AM I : Holla, I am Mama Sloot. I lived in various countries before for my study and work. I am such a foodie but living in a Western country as an Asian has been a rough journey because my tastebud is very very Asian. Hence I try… Continue Reading 芥蓝牛肉 – A classic dish of Cantonese cuisine

Do you want to know the recipe of authentic Hunan style Stir Fried pork? Do you want to know about the culture of Hunan Province of China? Learn from professional Chinese chef from House of Han, Crowne Plaza, Jaipur and experience the flavours of china in this series “Flavourful China”.… Continue Reading Flavourful China – Ep 06 – Hunan Cuisine | Stir Fried Chilli Pork Recipe

Missed our Eat China special that aired on the Asian Food Network? Enjoy the full episodes right here. There’s not just one type of Chinese food. This is Eat China, where we dissect Chinese cuisine region by region to understand the sheer variety of flavors and techniques that have evolved… Continue Reading Eat China Special: Spicy Sichuan (E2)

Do you want to know the recipe of best pork ribs in the world? Do you want to know about the culture of Jiangsu Province of China? Learn from professional Chinese chef from House of Han, Crowne Plaza, Jaipur and experience the flavours of china in this series “Flavourful China”.… Continue Reading Flavourful China – Ep 08 – Jiangsu Cuisine | Most Tender Pork Ribs