The sweetest city in China, Wuxi! I must say, as I traveled China I thought I could just say that the Chinese people do not have a taste for things that are sweet. However, this was until I made it to Wuxi. Where foods are sweeter than most Chinese desserts… Continue Reading SUGAR OVERLOAD!! The SWEETEST City In China, WUXI!

Keywords: Suzhou cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Chinese noodles, braised duck As I wrote in the “description” section of the last video (, there are many erroneous opinions about the “triple shrimp” noodles 三虾面 coming from the locals of Suzhou, where the dish originated, as a lot of people seem to think that 三虾面 was invented just a few… Continue Reading Three Bowls at the Noodle Shop of Songhelou, One of Suzhou's Most Famous Restaurants Est. 1757

Keywords: Suzhou cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Chinese noodles Had to interrupt the ongoing series on Inner Mongolia because this noodle dish is seasonal: 三虾面 “triple shrimp” noodles. 稍微打断之前正在发布的内蒙系列,因为赶上了时令末班车,吃了顿三虾面。 After talking about noodles of Suzhou’s Wujiang District so many time before, finally a video about “traditional” noodles of Suzhou downtown. 在多次介绍苏州吴江区的面条之后,终于轮到正儿八经的传统苏式面了。 Though… Continue Reading One of The Most Opulent Chinese Noodles: 三虾面 Triple Shrimp Noodles of Suzhou

#徐大sao#毛豆腐#徽菜 大家好,我是大sao。来到黄山第二顿,本地朋友晚上请吃饭,吃一顿好的,黄山特产、特色美食,正宗徽菜“毛豆腐”,大sao解锁新吃法,一口毛豆腐,一口大蒜,吃过瘾了! 大家好,这里是“徐大sao”YouTube唯一官方频道 每天会在YouTube平台,和大家分享好吃、美味的食物 大家的点赞和订阅都是对我来说很宝贵的,喜欢就关注我吧! source

Keywords: Nanjing city wall, Gate of China, Zhonghuamen, pidu noodles, pork rind noodles, Nanjing cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine About the jubaopen “treasure-gathering basin,” some online sources say that when the Nanjing city wall was being built, for some reason the foundation would always budge, then some mystic advised burying a powerful… Continue Reading Nanjing Pork Rind Noodles and Salted Duck + 600 Years-old Ancient City Gate Among World's Biggest

Keywords: Nanjing cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, duck blood and vermicelli soup, Ming Xiaoling, Mausoleum of Hongwu Emperor Although this “most beautiful 600m in Nanjing” is most renowned during autumn because of the fall foliage, surely the shendao “spirit road” is beautiful in other ways during other seasons. 尽管这”南京最美600米”在秋天尤美,但毫无疑问这段神道在其他季节有其他的美法。 The ornate statues… Continue Reading Stroll Down Nanjing's “Prettiest 600 Meters” and Slurp on Bowl of Duck Blood and Vermicelli Soup