【江湖菜馆 第二季】从拂晓到夜幕,再漂浮的人也要回到地面好好生活。过早,午餐,晚饭,加宵夜,一座城市真正的底味就埋藏在十二时辰的烟火里。市井美食纪录片《江湖菜馆》第二季美味回归,继续打卡八座鲜香热辣的宝藏城市,市井美食鉴赏故事覆盖全天24小时,从一日三餐到宵夜江湖,全景呈现江湖百态。只要还有人不睡,这里就有美食故事真诚奉上。 观看【江湖菜馆 第二季】全集?https://bit.ly/39ao39H 观看【江湖菜馆 第一季】全集?https://bit.ly/3cwG6bW #优酷纪实 #YOUKUDOCUMENTARY #江湖菜馆第二季 #美食 关注优酷频道,更多精彩节目等你来盘! YOUTUBE YOUKU: https://bit.ly/youkuofficial YOUTUBE YOUKU SHOW: http://bit.ly/youkushow YOUTUBE YOUKU MOVIE: http://bit.ly/youkumovie YOUTUBE YOUKU ANIMATION: https://bit.ly/youkuanimation YOUTUBE YOUKU DOCUMENTARY: https://bit.ly/youkudocumentary YOUTUBE YOUKU English: http://bit.ly/youku_EN YOUTUBE YOUKU Thai: http://bit.ly/youku_TH YOUTUBE YOUKU Arabic: http://bit.ly/youku_ARAB YOUTUBE YOUKU Spanish: http://bit.ly/youku_ESP YOUTUBE YOUKU Indonesian: http://bit.ly/youku_ID… Continue Reading 【江湖菜馆 第二季】EP7 福州有口福:一桌闽菜荟萃山海风味 | 优酷纪实 YOUKU DOCUMENTARY

If you only had one day in Shanghai, what should you eat? Shanghai native and self-described foodie Wilson Mao takes us on a food crawl to try some of his favorite places. This is the ninth episode of our 13-part series on Chinese food called Eat China. In the next… Continue Reading Shanghai Food Tour: Best Soup Dumplings, Pan-Fried Buns, and River Shrimp Ceviche – Eat China (S1E9)

In this week’s episode we wanted to show you a taste of Jiangsu Cuisine, it is one of the prettiest and most presentable cuisines and has a rich history as well as very special and bold flavours! 6) 文思豆腐- Needle tofu Starting off the list, I wanted to show you… Continue Reading Jiangsu Cuisine. 8 Great Chinese Cuisines Part 2