Keywords: Nanjing cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, zhezhe claypot, duck tongue, soup bun, Qixia Mountain Due to the nature of the Chinese language and its dialects, many foods have developed various similar-sounding but different-looking written forms. 由于中文及其方言的特性,很多单词包括食物的单词常常发展出不同写法。 One instance from this video is cuttlefish 目鱼 (mu yu), which is generally… Continue Reading “Zhezhe-Sounding” and Sizzling Claypot of Duck Tongue – Cantonese Dish Localized for “Duck Capital”

#小怪美食侦探 #Chinesefood #锅贴 #糁汤 ?江苏宿迁赵家糁汤 哈喽 大家好!这里是【小怪美食侦探】的唯一官方YouTube频道。 ?喜欢我的视频别忘了订阅我的频道哦~? 跟小怪一起踏上美味之旅,探寻特色美食 敲响小铃铛?,可以第一时间收到我的频道动态哦~ ============================ Hi guys! Plaese subscribe to my Channel on YouTube if you like my videos ? ?Thanks For Watching, Like, Comment & Share! Turn on the bell? , and get my first hand feed here! ============================ 更多精彩影片: 牛肉汤… Continue Reading 【糁汤&锅贴】一顿早餐花40元,上过央视的30年老店,一锅糁汤200斤瞬间卖光?江苏宿迁 ?欢迎订阅我的频道!

#小怪美食侦探 #Chinesefood #酥烧 ?江苏连云港赣榆周记酥烧 哈喽 大家好!这里是【小怪美食侦探】的唯一官方YouTube频道。 ?喜欢我的视频别忘了订阅我的频道哦~? 跟小怪一起踏上美味之旅,探寻特色美食 敲响小铃铛?,可以第一时间收到我的频道动态哦~ ============================ Hi guys! Plaese subscribe to my Channel on YouTube if you like my videos ? ?Thanks For Watching, Like, Comment & Share! Turn on the bell? , and get my first hand feed here! ============================ 更多精彩影片: 牛肉汤 (beef… Continue Reading 【葱香酥烧】别的地方买不到的特色美食,大叔20年老手艺,1元一个,半天炸十几锅不够卖? 江苏连云港?欢迎订阅我的频道!

Chinese vendor cooks grilled squid on the beach in Weihai, Shandong, China. I love Chinese street food, but this is Chinese BEACH food! Feel the sand under your feet and the salty sea breeze in your hair as you enjoy this short video about cooking and eating squid on a… Continue Reading Grilled Squid on a Stick in Shandong, China 铁板鱿鱼

Keywords: Wuxi cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, tuanzi, Chinese pastry I also read elsewhere that ancient yulanbing “magnolia cakes” did contain magnolias, and were indeed available only in spring when the eponymous flower bloomed. 后来在其他文章当中,也有看到介绍玉兰饼从前的确包含玉兰,并且只有花期才会供应。 Magnolia petals would be picked, washed, dried and finely chopped, then mixed w/ sticky rice flour left… Continue Reading I Came, I Saw Magnolias, I Conquered Some Magnolia Cakes

Subscribe to my channel ▶ Jinhua Ham is quite popular in many places. I cooked in a very traditional way, made it one of the most famous Chinese dishes. ————————————————– —————————————- Hi, I’m Uncle Rural Gourmet from Northwest China, I enjoy cooking and eating in original ways! Turn on… Continue Reading Jinhua Ham Stewed with Sweet Sauce and Lotus Seed, Very Famous Dish!|Uncle Rural Gourmet

Keywords: Suzhou cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, mutton, Lamb, Cangshu, Tianping Mountain The “lake sheep” huyang was previously written as 胡羊 not 湖羊, with the 胡 in the former probably denoting its “foreign” or “barbarian” origin. This 胡 nomenclature dates back to ancient times. For example, the wide range of bing (饼)… Continue Reading Southern Chinese Cuisine Has No Tasty Mutton? Try Suzhou's Cangshu Mutton Cooked in Wooden Tub

Welcome to Don’t Worry Be Happy. In this month’s episode, we will look at food, in particular Guangdong cuisine. Now here in China, there is food from pretty much everywhere. We will cover that as time goes by. As we are here in Dongguan, we thought it to fitting to… Continue Reading Dongguan Live: 5.Cantonese food

Time/时间: September 12,2020 Coffee ☕️ : Map route(Purple 80)/地图路线(紫色80): Equipment/设备: FDR-AX700 – Sony, stabilizer like Ronin-S – DJI Brief introduction/内容简介: 00:00 浙江南路 20:50 浙江中路 Introduction/介绍:浙江中路是上海市中心黄浦区的一条南北走向的街道。南起延安东路(原名爱多亚路),北至苏州河。长1331米。中间由南到北与广东路、福州路、汉口路、九江路、南京东路 、宁波路、北京路、苏州路交汇。1861年筑南京路至北京路一段。1866年筑福州路以南段。19世纪后期筑完全程。是直通北火车站的交通要道。特色是沿路多旅社,南京路口有永安公司、先施公司两大百货公司对峙。 Reference website/参考网站: Not a vlog, just a record; if you have a better suggestion, please leave your valuable feedback./不是vlog,只是記錄;如您有更好的建議,請留下您的寶貴意見。 source

Please subscribe to 【李樟柳 Lizhangliu 】 Lizhangliu Channel on YouTube if you like my videos : Turn on the little bell for notification and be the first one to watch Lizhangliu’s videos~ 开启小铃铛通知,第一时间观看#李樟柳Lizhangliu 精彩视频哦~ The blueberries are ripe in the mountains. Hanging in clusters under the green leaves. Blue… Continue Reading Amazing blueberry ! Used for fruit and Chinese food|酸甜可口的藍莓,成熟後除了做藍莓醬,還能做成美食丨Lizhangliu Channel