Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: #李子柒#lýtửthấ#Liziqi#ChineseCuisine #ChineseFood 香喷喷、火辣辣、色泽红润、鲜香麻辣、口齿留香、食指大动、回味无穷、色味俱佳、芳香四溢、香飘十里、意犹未尽、口舌生香、垂涎三尺的川菜之魂—-豆瓣酱 【李子柒 Liziqi 】 ——————————————————————– liziqi李子柒更多精彩视频推荐/More wonderful video recommendations: liziqi李子柒精选视频/decent video selection: 李子柒●花开有声 | Soud of blooming flowers: 李子柒 ●饮食以节 | Chinese festival food: 李子柒 ●适时而食 | Seasonal diet:… Continue Reading 香喷喷、火辣辣、让人垂涎三尺的川菜之魂—-豆瓣酱What defines Sichuan cuisine—spicy bean paste

China has a lot more than eight different cuisines, but these are the 8 great ones. In this video, let’s dig a little deeper into Sichuan, Guangdong, Hunan, Shandong, Anhui, Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu Cuisines. It includes their distinctive characteristics, flavors, history, special ingredients, popular dishes, and others. 00:00 –… Continue Reading The Eight Major Cuisines of China | 中国八大菜系 | Chinese Food Culture

四姐川湘 Hunan Cuisine 地址:6004 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538 電話: (510) 687-1222 菜單: Order: c 舊金山灣區正宗的湘菜館,四姐川湘,就在東灣 Fremont。 一想家,我口水就流下來。 想起老家那幾道菜: 紅燒肉煮的酥爛,肥而不膩,入口即化; 剛出籠的排骨,香氣四溢; 蓮藕炒的又香又脆; 再來一盆鮮魚老湯,喝完渾身舒暢…… 四姐川湘,來自故鄉的味道。 source

Hot Pot, Kung Pao Chicken, and Dandan Noodles are all of these dishes that come from Sichuan Cuisine, the most popular cuisine in China for being spicy and flavorful. Today, we focus on Sichuan Cuisine and 10 authentic and popular dishes. 00:00 What is Sichuan Cuisine? 00:37 Hot Pot (火锅… Continue Reading Sichuan Food: 10 Authentic and Popular Sichuan Dishes | Chinese Food

The ever popular Sichuan Mapo Tofu! If you’re a bit on the fence about tofu, this is definitely one of the best ‘gateway tofu’ dishes. This dish is the “Mala” flavor profile, meaning that it’s going to feature a combination of heat and that characteristic numbing flavor of the Sichuan… Continue Reading How to Make Authentic Chinese Mapo Tofu (麻婆豆腐)

#cookingEssential #ChineseEssentials #ChineseCondiments #ChineseCooking #调料 Here are Ling’s essential ingredients for Chinese cooking as well as must-have ingredients for Sichuan cuisine. I always list my main ingredient links in the description box. If you can’t find them in your local store, please try to buy online. October 1st is Moon… Continue Reading Essential Ingredients for Chinese Cooking and must-have Sichuan cuisine ingredients 基本调料和川菜调料

Beef stir fry that tastes like nothing else. Recipe: #beefstirfry #stirfrybeef #chinesebeef The spicy dry-fried beef is a perfect example of the dry-frying technique unique to Sichuan cuisine. The shredded beef is un-marinated, quickly stir fried in a wok to drive off the moisture and intensify the beef flavor.… Continue Reading Mouthwatering spicy beef, dry-fried • Sichuan Recipe • Taste Show

Sichuan is known for its love of spice. It’s the birthplace of mala hot pot, mapo tofu, and dandan noodles—all made with copious amounts of chili and peppercorn. How did this region come to fall in love with spicy food, and what are the core ingredients? This is the fifth… Continue Reading How Did Sichuan Fall In Love With Spice? – Eat China (S1E5)

Chinese food is much more than just stir-fry, noodles, and dumplings. In this video, we break down Chinese food into roughly four schools—north, south, east, and west—and explain what makes them different. This is the first episode in a 13-part series on Chinese food (we know, it’s a lot). Stay… Continue Reading Chinese Food 101: North vs. South vs. East vs. West – Eat China (S1E1)