Here is a shop list to get your Chinese cooking started. I own every single item on this list and guarantee that they are well-worth the money.

* Steel pan/wok:
1. Helen Chen 12 inch
2. Joyce Chen 12 inch

Just get the cheaper one of the two above – they are identical. You want to a carbon steel or cast iron pan because it transmits heat much better than aluminum ones, e.g. T-fal. Don’t use aluminum ones for any Chinese stir fry recipe. Stainless steel won’t work either because Chinese recipes call for higher temperature and stainless steel at high temperature will leave you a mess to clean. The two I listed above have non-stick coating. The “pros” all use non-stick versions and they always say coatings are useless. Decide yourself 🙂

* Bamboo steamer:
Joyce Chen 10-in Bamboo Steamer:
Or you can get these cheaper at Sur la table:

* Rolling pin:
For dumpling wraps, you need a short bamboo or wood rolling pin. It must be much shorter than those used for pastry. 12” is the longest I would go; 9” is better. eBay is probably the best bet:

* Pot/sauce pan for boiling:
Anything that 4 to 8 quarts should work well. Depending on your kitchen size and your family size, free feel to choose whatever pot you like the best. You likely don’t need to buy new ones.

=== 浙江菜系

  —-以杭州、宁波、绍兴、温州等地的菜肴为代表发展而成的。其特点是清、香、脆、嫩、爽、鲜。浙江盛产鱼虾,又是著名的风景旅游胜地,湖山清秀,山光水色,淡雅宜人,故其菜如景,不少名菜,来自民间,制作精细,变化较多。烹调技法擅长于炒、炸、烩、溜、蒸、烧。久负盛名的菜肴有“西湖醋鱼”、“奉化芋头”、“蜜汁火方”、“东坡肉”、“宁式鳝丝”、“三丝敲鱼”、“三丝拌蛏”、等 。


=== 中国八大菜系



