My wife was looking forward to visiting Fujian Shaxian Snacks Eastwood because she’s from Fujian, China & she was very excited to eat 2 particular dishes from this restaurant because she often ate them when she was growing up in China. We ate 4 dishes of authentic street food that… Continue Reading Fujian Shaxian Snacks Eastwood | Authentic Street Food | Sydney Australia

Please subscribe to 【李樟柳 Lizhangliu 】 Lizhangliu Channel on YouTube if you like my videos :… Turn on the little bell for notification and be the first one to watch Lizhangliu’s videos~ 开启小铃铛通知,第一时间观看#李樟柳Lizhangliu 精彩视频哦~ A large field of peaches grows beside the Yangtze River. Peaches ripen every May. The… Continue Reading Amazing peach ! Used for fruit and Chinese food|香香甜甜的桃子,成熟後除了做桃子醬,還能做成美食|李樟柳 Lizhangliu

We’re making a Kids Try Cookbook! Sign up for updates at: Sponsor this series: Come play with us! Sign up at to get updates on HiHo, special offers, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content with your favorite kids. SUBSCRIBE to HiHo Kids: Watch More Kids Try: About… Continue Reading Kids Try Chinese Food from Around the World | Kids Try | HiHo Kids

Chinatown is one of the dopest neighborhoods in Chicago and one of the best areas in the city to find incredible food & drink. No longer limited to just Chinese food, today you can find cuisine from Korea, Japan, and Vietnam! We spent a three day weekend in the neighborhood… Continue Reading WHAT TO EAT IN CHICAGO // Chinatown Food Tour Best Restaurants (Chicago Travel Guide)

Learn Chinese Conversations: Ordering Food at a Restaurant | Chinese Listening & Speaking Practice Do you know how to order food at a restaurant in Mandarin Chinese? In this video, I’ll teach you. Part 1: Ordering food at a fast food restaurant 00:43-05:38 Part 2: Ordering food at a tale… Continue Reading How to Order Food at a Restaurant in Chinese | Real Chinese Conversations Practice

[In partnership with: and GDToday] In a village in rural Guangdong province, Zhu Nengqing once struggled to put food on the table after his wife and daughter were diagnosed with serious medical issues that left the family with a mountain of hospital bills. Today, he is a certified chef… Continue Reading Mastering Cantonese cuisine led this father out of poverty

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宁波的慈溪是浙江有名的鱼米之乡,电器之乡,也是中国经济百强县之一,随着杭州湾跨海大桥的通车,这里的交通和发展又有了新的变化。阿星来到慈溪的坎墩老街,寻找老底子美食,生煎包,酱年糕,松花汤圆,羊骨头粥,各种小吃都是当地人儿时的味道。 Cixi in Ningbo is a famous and fertile town in Zhejiang, home of electrical appliances, and one of the top 100 counties in China’s economy. With the opening of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, the traffic and development here have undergone new changes. Axing came to Kandun old street in… Continue Reading 浙江慈溪坎墩老街,儿时小吃味道,生煎包酱年糕,阿星吃羊骨头粥Kandun old street snacks in Cixi, Zhejiang