Coming up are some of the worst Chinese food scandals ever. Suggest a topic here to be turned into a video: Subscribe for more! ► ◄ Stay updated ► ◄ For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: [email protected] Vegan Corner: Legal… Continue Reading Chinese Food Scandals That You Won't Believe

We are BACK with one of the BIGGEST food tour videos ever! What upppp CHINATOWN! We originally had a budget of $100 but that flew out the window LOL we ate a LOT this video so I hope you’re excited! There’s noodles, dumplings, buns and desserts. We try food from… Continue Reading WE TRIED THE BEST FOOD IN CHINATOWN! Sydney Chinatown Food Tour vlog eating AS MUCH AS WE CAN w $200

Hui ethnic banquet “ten-big-bowl dishes” are traditional dishes used at weddings and funerals or other important festivals or senior people’s birthday parties to entertain guests in Linquan, east China’s Anhui province. Various mutton dishes are a local specialty and you can’t finish it all in under three days and nights.… Continue Reading Hui ethnic banquet 'ten-big-bowl dishes'| CCTV English

Ingredients drumstick 鸡腿 shitake mushroom 香菇 white part of spring onion 葱白段 green bell pepper 青椒 Capsicum frutescens 小米椒 potato 土豆块 ginger Ingredients for the sauce 柱侯酱 Chu Hou Paste or Chu hau paste (Chu hou sauce is an important condiment in Cantonese cuisine. Chu Hou Paste is made from… Continue Reading Authentic Shandong Huang Men Ji 黄焖鸡 Braised Chicken Recipe – Traditional Chinese Cuisine

鄒記食舖 | Chou Restaurant | Jiangsu and Zhejiang Cuisine Highlight Moment: 00:36 Scallion Beef Tongue/蔥花牛舌三段 03:44 Spicy Shrimp and tofu Pot/蝦仁麻婆豆腐煲 == Chapter == 00:00 Intro/鄒記食舖 00:11 Spring Roll/薺菜春捲 00:19 Spicy Abalone/涼拌麻辣鮑魚 00:36 Scallion Beef Tongue/蔥花牛舌三段 01:12 Yellow Bean and Pig Feet/黃豆元蹄 02:44 Mud Crab and Meat/沙公蒸肉餅 03:44 Spicy Shrimp… Continue Reading 鄒記食舖 | Chou Restaurant | Jiangsu and Zhejiang Cuisine | 江浙菜

Have you guys ever heard of Shunde? Well, now you have! It’s one of China’s food capitals and even named as a UNESCO city of gastronomy. One of it’s most famous dishes is ‘stir fried milk’ – I was intrigued to try it!!! Check out the Chinese Cooking Demystified channel… Continue Reading What is STIR FRIED MILK?? We go on a Cantonese food adventure

Golden coin eggs might be a dish that’s new to you, but this’s an easy fried boiled egg recipe from the Hunan province with a nice spicy kick to it. It’s pretty simple, and basically everything you need for this dish could be found in a Western supermarket. Apologies for… Continue Reading Golden Coin Eggs: Spicy Fried Boiled Eggs from Hunan (金钱蛋)

Sichuan cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China. Well known for its spicy flavor, Sichuan cuisine is loved around the world. But did you know that there are actually more than 20 kinds of flavors in Sichuan cuisine? As a part of the “What’s up Sichuan?” livestream… Continue Reading Live: Sichuan cuisine challenge