Hidden amongst the hustle of Wan Chai is Flower Drum, a private restaurant dedicated in quality Cantonese cuisine. The mastermind behind the exquisite restaurant is Nansen Lai, son of head chef at the famous Asiania Restaurant. It’s therefore not hard to imagine how Nansen develops such meticulous taste for food.… Continue Reading MONO taste X Flower Drum : An exquisite take on Cantonese cuisine // 精緻的粵式味

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@Lisa Nguyen took me to The Antler Room: 2506 Holmes St, Kansas City, MO 64108 #kansascity #finedining #spicyfood #sichuanfood #szechuanfood #foodandtravel #shorts ✈ What’s The Food Map?? https://youtu.be/OaKGdmEPYsY ✈ Here’s the scratch-off map I use! https://amzn.to/3zjnRka ☼ Cooking and camera gear: https://kit.co/jeanelleats (Some of these are affiliate links, and they… Continue Reading My friend learned about Sichuan food the hard way

There are thousands of ways to make eggs, Masterchef John Zhang shares 5 unique egg recipes with step by step instruction. Cooking Chinese Food at home is easier than you think. #top5 #eggrecipes #masterchef 0:18 Moo Shu Pork with Egg Floss & Shredded Vegetable 木须肉 3:11 Scrambled Eggs with Shrimp… Continue Reading Top 5 Egg Recipes by Masterchef | Cooking Chinese Food • Taste Show

Just walking around source

Jessie and Billie are in the final round of a three-round immunity challenge. They are tasked with cooking a Chinese dish with chicken… Subscribe to MasterChef World here: https://www.youtube.com/MasterChefWorld Welcome to MasterChef World! MasterChef World highlights the best moments from the world’s favourite cooking television show. Watch mystery box challenges,… Continue Reading Chinese Cuisine Immunity Challenge ?? | MasterChef Australia | MasterChef World

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We are out to find the best cheap foods in Chinatown in New York City! We start out our day at King Dumpling where we get some delicious pork dumplings for $3. Next, we visit Wah Fung No. 1 for some awesome roast pork. We get a sweet treat at… Continue Reading The Best Cheap Eats in NYC! (Chinatown Food Tour)