What’s up you lovely people, welcome to a new series: The 8 Great Regional Cuisines of Chinese cooking, part 3 we have Cantonese Cuisine, Yue Cai, this is perhaps my favourite cuisine out of the 8, although some other ones comes close! Just to clarify no dim sums will be… Continue Reading Top 6 dishes in Cantonese Cuisine! Exceptionally delicious!

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Huaiyang cuisine 00:00:42 1 Typical features 00:01:27 2 Notable dishes 00:03:00 3 Use in official dining 00:03:35 4 See also Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but… Continue Reading Huaiyang cuisine | Wikipedia audio article

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Ah, yes – Chinese street food – simply the best! Jian Bing (山东煎饼) one of the best among them! — but first!! Check me out on other platforms! https://www.linktr.ee/austininchina — Chinese street food: it’s a way of life here in China. People are constantly on the go, and being able… Continue Reading Chinese Street Food: Jian Bing (山东煎饼) — Shandong Snacks in Lanzhou!

Hangzhou, once the capital of China, is considered one of the country’s most beautiful cities, with a scenic lake, ancient pagodas, and refined street food. Locals keep dishes light and fresh, with flavors erring on the sweet side. We picked out five things you must try in Hangzhou. For more… Continue Reading 5 Street Food Dishes You Must Try in Hangzhou

you are watching pAgaL_P₹oj3ct an alternate reality that exists within this reality Footage from @newslaundry courtesy Times Chow. Watch here : https://youtu.be/FwnL_fNhm88 sasta gfx by the Nvidia Broadcast App’s replace background feature. restaurant ambience via Sounds To Sleep : https://youtu.be/WlZfNBRB-kM source

China is a vast country with diverse climates, customs, products, and practices. People living in different regions maintain a wide variety of diets. Discovering Chinese Cuisine is an original CCTV series looking into the exciting and multifaceted art of Chinese cooking. Subscribe to us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVcomInternational Download for IOS:… Continue Reading Discovering Chinese cuisine Part 4 – Tofu

Spent 24 hours eating in Manhattan’s Chinatown, one of NYC’s most evocative neighborhoods. This Chinatown is home to the highest concentration of Chinese people in the Western Hemisphere, as well as one of the oldest Chinese ethnic enclaves. It’s one of the best neighborhoods to come hungry and work your… Continue Reading 24 Hours Eating in Manhattan's CHINATOWN | NYC Chinatown Food Tour (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & More)

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