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STINGRAY Picnic in MALAYSIA:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOnYnmDGjgc A morning WELL spent today visiting ‘Kedai Kopi Lai Fong,’ a place that any noodle lover has already imagined multiple times over in dreams… ones that have existed here for almost 70 years?! Maybe 🙂 and I want to say a huge thank you for spending… Continue Reading ?? EPIC Chinatown Food Court in Kuala Lumpur – Best “CHAR KUAY TEOW” I’ve Ever Had!!

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This honey chicken recipe is an alternative version of the sweet & sour pork as well as orange chicken. Very easy to prepare & extremely yummy! Refer to the ingredient list below or go to our website here http://spicenpans.com/honey-chicken/ for your easy reference. Hope you can recreate this yummy dish… Continue Reading Super Easy Chinese Honey Chicken 蜜糖鸡 Orange Chicken & Panda Express Inspired Chinese Food Recipe

Chinese food is famous all over the world, but you may be shocked by its surprising range and variety of ingredients if you’ve only eaten in Chinese source