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#品城記 #探店 #美食 另外推薦雞湯:每天只限量10鍋! 自從上次去了三水吃臭屁醋之後,嘉昇好像就跟“ 臭”過不去了! Jimmy好像也“臭”上癮,不停地挖掘各種越臭越好的菜式!這次果然又被Jimmy找到了,這家在深圳的寶藏小店!別看店面平凡低調,但這裡的老闆兼大廚可是來頭不小,一問之下才發現,原來老闆18歲就跟徽菜大師學藝,曾經在合肥很有名的“稻香樓”裡掌勺!而店裡做的都是地地道道的徽菜,原材料全部從安徽運過來,保證口味正宗!咦~等等,別忘了我們今天的主題:“臭”!沒錯,我們要吃的就是徽菜裡很出名的一個菜式——臭鱖魚!到底是臭到吃不下飯呢?還是真香警告呢?戳視頻看看吧! 第一次去嘗試八大菜系之一的徽菜。第一道菜一整隻雞在我們眼皮底下散開了,我們三個人就被驚著了。廣東人很愛吃雞,但也很少見能弄出這樣的雞湯。然後安徽名菜臭厥魚也是十分驚艷。 最後打聽下才發覺這家小店的老闆來頭不小,曾經在合肥著名的稻香村掌勺。 貼士:想喝那雞湯一定要提早一天預訂,一天就只做10鍋。 店名:安慶之家 人均:89元?口味:7.4?環境:6.6?服務:7.1 地址:?深圳市福田區園嶺新村84棟101室(近筍崗西路) 電話:?0755-22215142 營業時間:8:00-21:00 1、flash8 – SCARSONG 2、Kevin MacLeod – Maccary Bay 3、Parov Stelar – Libella Swing 4、渡辺俊幸 – 本當の優しさとは… 5、Craig Duncan – Yankee Doodle/Battle Cry Of Freedom 你的城市哪裡好吃哪裡好玩?全在這3分鐘原創視頻裡! source

【福建美食】福州一家藏的很深的福州菜館!因爲生意太好,嚇跑了三個洗碗大媽!~#shorts #Food #Food Exploration#Fujian Cuisine#每日美食分享#taiwanfood#foodiesvlog 感謝您的觀看,如果喜歡我的視頻,想看更多簡單健康美食,就請訂閱我的頻道,同時點擊小鈴鐺??就不會錯過最新視頻了。 source

Sydney Chinatown food tour! If you’re wondering what to eat in Sydney Chinatown then you don’t want to miss this video ? Subscribe for part 2 – ?BTS & exclusive contents: In this Sydney food tour, we try some delicious and affordable foods in Sydney Haymarket Chinatown which… Continue Reading What to EAT in CHINATOWN SYDNEY l Street Food Tour

Welcome to Don’t Worry Be Happy. In this month’s episode, we will look at food, in particular Guangdong cuisine. Now here in China, there is food from pretty much everywhere. We will cover that as time goes by. As we are here in Dongguan, we thought it to fitting to… Continue Reading Dongguan Live: 5.Cantonese food

#foodie #music #worldcup #FIFA #food #hotpot #spicy The song “Tokoh taka” is considered the most popular and trending as the theme song of 2022 World Cup. The name is actually derived from Arabic, but they changed the pronunciation of it so that it would fit in better with the rhythm… Continue Reading YouLookYummy397|Why World Cup matches best with Sichuan cuisine? SOUND ON!为什么世界杯和四川美食最搭?打开声音你就懂!

The first 1000 people to click the link will get a free trial of Skillshare’s Premium Membership: So this week I tipped $5,000 at some of my absolute favorite Chinese takeout spots in New York City. The whole restaurant industry in New York City has been devastated by COVID and… Continue Reading Ordering Chinese Takeout Then Tipping $5,000 to Struggling Restaurants