Here is a shop list to get your Chinese cooking started. I own every single item on this list and guarantee that they are well-worth the money. * Steel pan/wok: 1. Helen Chen 12 inch 2. Joyce Chen 12 inch Just get the cheaper one of the two… Continue Reading Real Chinese Cooking Anhui 徽菜 冬茹鸡饺

A five star dining experience like no other – come with me to the House of Ming, one of Delhi’s oldest and first restaurant actually, for Chinese food. This restaurant started in 1978 and has had loyal patronage since then. It recently reopened its doors, after a short hiatus and… Continue Reading HOUSE OF MING – Delhi’s oldest restaurant for Chinese food ? inside Taj Mahal Hotel, Delhi ?

【福建美食】上下杭有一個天天排隊的小攤位,賣的是沙縣的狀元餅!~#shorts #Food #Food Exploration#Fujian Cuisine#每日美食分享#taiwanfood#foodiesvlog 感謝您的觀看,如果喜歡我的視頻,想看更多簡單健康美食,就請訂閱我的頻道,同時點擊小鈴鐺??就不會錯過最新視頻了。 source

Temple in Yuhu in Zhejiang China with mantra song source

“Contigo”-Jiangsu Olvidábamos el tiempo… Nos perdíamos en un momento… Conquistábamos planetas… No hacía falta nada, solo aire… ¡Contigo! ¡Contigo! ¡Quiero estar contigo! Cuando el sol se apague… Cuando el mundo acabe y deje de girar Aquí voy a estar… ¡Contigo! Aunque todo cambie… y las palabras callen… No hace falta… Continue Reading Contigo-Jiangsu