Kobe Japan has a little China town that mixes both Kobe Beef together with traditional Chinese style cooking, this place is seriously delicious, and for only a few dollars you can try some amazing food. I tried Kobe Beef Sushi, Soup Dumplings, Pork Hamburger and Shrimp Buns ✬ ✬JOIN THE… Continue Reading Eating My Way Through Japan's BEST Street Food | Kobe Chinatown

【福建美食】這家的手工牛肉丸!還有牛肉刺身,竟然跟三文魚的口感一模一樣~#shorts #Food #Food Exploration#Fujian Cuisine#每日美食分享#taiwanfood#foodiesvlog 感謝您的觀看,如果喜歡我的視頻,想看更多簡單健康美食,就請訂閱我的頻道,同時點擊小鈴鐺??就不會錯過最新視頻了。 source

山东大席小王子,160块10菜2汤,肘子鲤鱼大猪脸,敢称全国最低价 大家好!我是老狮,来自中国陕西的老吃货一个 走遍中国,寻找大家口口相传的中华美食 寻街探巷,只为做出最公正客观的探店节目 频道定时更新,喜欢的朋友点个关注再走? 点击关注?https://bit.ly/3pVqy7v 探店?https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTpNQm4fVnKo_tYBzOhHz3Kqndr5tDI75 街边小摊?https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTpNQm4fVnKoJ4wvxub1Ar9hCThA234Cw #老狮带你吃#美食#小吃#山东美食 source

#Sichuan, located in the hinterland of China, boasts abundant natural and cultural landscapes. “A Taste of Sichuan” focuses on three representative cities of the province, including Chengdu, Zigong and Langzhong. Audiences can follow the steps of the giant #panda An Yi, the mascot of Sichuan culture and tourism, to get… Continue Reading A Taste of Sichuan – Chengdu

大家好!這裡是軟妹刷諜劇,本頻道每日更新中國大陸精彩諜戰類視頻,歡迎大家來訂閱,你們的支持就是我更新的動力! tmxd29 source

湘菜,又叫湖南菜,是中国历史悠久的八大菜系之一。今天吃一家合肥朋友重磅推荐的湘菜馆子!辣子鸡,泡椒牛蛙,花甲肥肠,满满一大盆,辣椒直接铺满,越吃越辣,最后直接打脸,”能吃辣”这个称号怕是保不住了! U, 大家好,这里是乌啦啦! 我会带大家体验中国美食之旅, 展现人间烟火里的真实味道。 Let’s go! 欢迎订阅乌啦啦的唯一官方频道! 更多日常: FB: https://bit.ly/3nJXu1N IG: https://www.instagram.com/wulalavlog/ #特别乌啦啦 #乌啦啦vlog #湘菜 #湖南菜 #辣子鸡 #泡椒牛蛙 #花甲肥肠 #中国美食 #探店 #中华美食 #寻味中国 #吃播 #美食之旅 #中国旅游 #吃饭 #吃货 #小吃 #旅行 source

作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

Chinese bhel is a fast food item of Northeast Indian origin. It is a variant of the chop suey. It is also widely popular! ? Make it with this easy recipe! ??‍? Ingredients: ?Boiled Noodles- 2 Cups ?Cornflour- 1 Tbsp ?Salt- 1 Tsp ?Schezwan Sauce- 3 Tbsp ?Tomato Ketchup- 3… Continue Reading Restaurant Style Chinese Bhel | Yummy Chinese Snack | Easy Quick Recipe | Chinese Cuisine