Antropologia 1983 (Serie Tv) “Prov.Jiangsu/C.P.Wuxi/Com.Hola/Big Ding Village/Com.Wong Jong” Directed by Leslie Woodhead e Claire Lasko Anthropologist – Barbara Hazard Series – Disappearing World Questo film è una continuazione di “Vivere con la rivoluzione”, ambientato negli stessi comuni vicino a Wuxi e incentrato sulle stesse famiglie. Questo film si concentra, tuttavia,… Continue Reading Disappearing World – Inside China, the Newest Revolution “Prov.Jiangsu/Cina” (english)

作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

Amsterdam is home to a massive floating Chinese restaurant. If you travel to the capital of The Netherlands, you will likely see this huge pagoda-style building out in the Amstel river. If you like unique restaurant experiences or just good Chinese food, you need to stop and eat at The… Continue Reading Massive Floating Chinese Restaurant in Amsterdam?! | Amsterdam Travel Vlog

【福建美食】現在連譚鴨血都開始內捲了嗎?~#shorts #Food #Food Exploration#Fujian Cuisine#每日美食分享#taiwanfood#foodiesvlog 感謝您的觀看,如果喜歡我的視頻,想看更多簡單健康美食,就請訂閱我的頻道,同時點擊小鈴鐺??就不會錯過最新視頻了。 街頭美食小吃配方: source

#太阳探店plus#北京烤鸭#京派鲁菜 在家探店也是爱,太阳带你吃外卖!今天还是继续烤鸭,点的是玉林烤鸭店, 在北京很有名,藏在小区里的27年烤鸭老店,烤鸭皮酥肉嫩,而且做鲁菜非常的出色,京派鲁菜是一绝! 推荐菜:烤鸭,芙蓉鸡片,锅塌三鲜豆腐,糖醋里脊,熘肝尖,滑溜里脊 地址:玉林东路右安门外玉林小区二条 鲁菜玉林烤鸭店,烤鸭做得味道赞。 鸭皮蘸糖入口甜,溜肝尖的味悠远。 滑溜里脊回口鲜,芙蓉鸡片最推荐。 山东包菜冒了尖,锅塌豆腐内藏馅。 糖醋里脊勾薄欠,价格实惠真省钱。 太阳探店,良心推荐。 一个吃遍京城的胖子,喜欢就点个订阅吧! 有驻京办系列,周一吃鸡系列,北京老店系列 ? source

Moving or traveling to Wuhu, Anhui, China? Come along as I show you what this beautiful city has to offer! I show you everything from cost of living and jobs to some local hot spots in town! _________________________________________________________________ ♥Support the Hustle! ✔PATREON: Collin Abroadcast (Love you guys, thanks!) ✔SNAPCHAT:… Continue Reading Wuhu, China | A Hidden Gem in China's Anhui Province