哈喽大家好,这里是闽湖阿嬷Fujian Grandma,山雨过后,竹笋也都冒了出来,阿嬷上山挖一箩筐竹笋,腌制晾晒成笋干,做一锅笋干五花肉,又香又下饭! ❤晒包菜干https://youtu.be/26vsMdG8Ni8 ❤咸菜https://youtu.be/n1RmjQyTqjE ❤酸笋https://youtu.be/wWPzZderWZg ❤酸辣包菜https://youtu.be/aJzmvXlGSC8 阿嬷挖一箩筐竹笋晒成笋干,做一锅笋干焖肉,又香又下饭!丨Salted bamboo shoots【闽湖阿嬤Fujian Grandma】 一丘蔬菜,一湾湖水,一片山水相连~ 这里是闽湖阿嬤Fujian Grandma,讲述福建农村的生活模样。 有山有水便是乡愁,粗茶淡饭便是我们的故事! 感谢大家的观看和订阅,我在这里等你! ! 点击???链接,精彩不间断~ https://xiaoxiaoyang.page.link/dingyue 加入会员领福利:https://minhuamo.page.link/jdF1 #闽湖阿嬤FujianGrandma#笋干焖肉#春笋干 source

Chinese cuisine is one of the oldest and most diverse cuisines in the world. Two thousand years before the beginning of our era, people there ate noodles. Even today each province – there are twenty-three in total – has its own cooking style, based on regional ingredients and preferences. These… Continue Reading Chinese cuisine | Steamed fish with ginger

Hi guys! We heard a new food court had opened up in Queens so we had to check it out~ First stop was the New York Food Court: 133-35 Roosevelt Ave Flushing, NY 11354 Downtown Flushing, Flushing We had some stinky tofu, salt and pepper chicken, mango mango desserts, yoyo… Continue Reading New York Food Court Queens Flushing Chinatown Food Tour

九九炒河虾鲜香味足,正宗湘菜味道,米饭一碗接一碗吃美了【湘西九九美食】 #湘西九九美食#炒河虾#家常菜 分享湖南溆浦农村生活,做原创乡村美食! 大家好,这里是湘西九九美食~ 我每天会在这里和大家分享湖南农村特色的美食 谢谢大家的观看和订阅,大家有什么意见或者建议,可以和我积极互动哟! ?【https://xiangxijiujiumeishi.page.link/naxz】 加入频道会员【https://xiangxijiujiu.page.link/V9Hh】 source

欢迎大家订阅关注我们,我们会定期更新视频哦! 《牡丹亭》 表演单位: 苏州昆剧院 演出:沈丰英、俞玖林 Kunqu (崑曲; pinyin: Kūnqǔ; Wade-Giles: k’un-ch’ü), also known as Kunju (崑劇), Kun opera or Kunqu Opera, is one of the oldest extant forms of Chinese opera. It evolved from the Kunshan melody, and dominated Chinese theatre from the 16th to the 18th centuries. The style… Continue Reading Kun Opera “The Peony Pavilion “, Garden Version, by Suzhou Kun Opera House 《牡丹亭》園林版|蘇州昆劇院|沈豐英、俞玖林

作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

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[Click the “cc” to watch with ENG SUB] Hi, I’m Rose from Uganda! In this channel, I share food and Chinese country life! Subscribe to this channel if you like my channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsVKn32MwIVd9cPa6Yo1ztg Facebook【Rose Anzai】:https://www.facebook.com/roseinchina1 Tiktok【Rose Anzai】:tiktok.com/@roseinchina1 #beefburgers #roseinchina #rurallife source

The Translation Lightchasers pursues the brightest beam of light. Hello everyone! As the saying goes, “food is the most important thing for the people”. After listening to the history of the translation, let’s focus on our country’s cuisines. Breeding in the vast Chinese Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan,… Continue Reading Translation of Chinese Cuisines

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