Hey friends, today we’re making a Chinese dish: eggplants with garlic sauce. This dish is popular in Sichuan. This version of the dish is shallow fried like you would typically get in a restaurant but there are steamed versions of this dish as well for people who are trying to… Continue Reading Chinese Eggplants with Garlic Sauce

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Come join us for the largest Motorcycle Trade Exhibition on earth in Chongqing, China. The 19th China International Motorcycle Trade Exhibition will be held in Chongqing (Yuelai) International Expo Center. China International Motorcycle Trade Exhibition is the largest professional motorcycle exhibition in China and even in the world this year.… Continue Reading China's Largest Motorcycle Trade Exhibition | Chongqing

Shredded lobster, different taste| Chinese Food Eating Show | Funny Mukbang ASMR Hello all my beloved visitors, I am ShiShen would love to show you about grilling in the wild. If all of you want to see more new spicy chinese foodeating show mukbangvillage funny video, please subscribe on my… Continue Reading Shredded lobster, different taste| Chinese Food Eating Show | Funny Mukbang ASMR

Hello all my beloved visitors, I am ShiShen would love to show you about grilling in the wild. If all of you want to see more new spicy chinese foodeating show mukbangvillage funny video, please subscribe on my channel, comment, LIKE ~? Follow us on Youtube:?https://www.youtube.com/c/ShiShenCooking?sub_confirmation=1 Click to watch more… Continue Reading Very spicy!Chili Stuffed Eggs| Chinese Food Eating Show | Funny Mukbang ASMR

訂閱頻道:http://bit.ly/2xoFHDj Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/c/LatteFood Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/LattFood/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/latte_food/ Web:http://lattefood.com/ Mail:[email protected] 小時候父母很常帶我去方家小館吃飯,道地的江浙菜作法總是吸引不少饕客前往。這支影片是2018年10月10號我孩子VITO過生日用餐時使用OPPO手機拍攝的,結果沒想到轉檔到電腦的過程中出了問題,影片素材都無法判讀。 直到最近空下來才想辦法把素材拯救下來! 解決不了的事情,先放一放或許就能找到方法~ 這家特別推薦大家一定要點他們的涼菜!各式涼菜都是店內師傅自己製作,還有就是小籠湯包跟蔥油餅也是一絕,推薦大家有機會到天母能品嚐看看,這是我從小吃到大的味道! 店名:方家小館 地點: https://goo.gl/maps/cGgHdJYGeS1NQFkx8 source

作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

大锤今天探店一家开了30多年的包子铺,纯手工制作,羊肉包子皮薄馅大,3元一个,豆沫2元一碗,味道真不错! 山东干了30年的包子铺,羊肉包子3元,豆沫2元,一天能卖600个【大锤吃吃吃】 探索山东各地的特色小吃 带您看见各路美食 街巷市井江湖里,一捧人间烟火气 大家好我是大锤吃吃吃,爱吃的朋友一定要关注我哦~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKHjfPT94XgReu_W7FNZj3g?sub_confirmation=1 #大锤吃吃吃#羊肉包子#山东美食 source

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