有冇感覺尼個煮法,任何鱼都适合 🙂 白鯧魚嘅肉質鮮嫩,蒸起上十分鮮美!今次我哋都會加入一啲本地嘅調味,例如生抽,老抽等等,帶出香港地道嘅風味。同埋,套用燜魚嘅技巧,做出來呢道菜湯汁啖啖,好滋養! #白鯧魚食譜 #白鯧魚怎麽煮 #家庭料理 #粵語教做菜 #粵語頻道 #芬姐美食 #廣東美食 #順德美食 #粵語煮餸 #粤菜家常菜 #廣東話 #芬姐厨房 #芬姐家庭餸 #食得好 #家庭餸 來自廣東佛山嘅阿芬姐,同你分享家庭餸做法,粵菜(廣東菜)食譜,同埋D做菜小技巧! How to make Cantonese food?Guangdong cuisine tips?Cantonese Chef teach you!a channel about chinese food recipes! If you like my video, Please click the link on the right to follow my channel… Continue Reading 開胃餸【香炆白鯧魚】只要調好醬汁,做法超簡單而且好好味!braised white pomfret

Hello everyone, [TheBestEaterFriend] has officially entered YouTube From the countryside to the city, and from the city back to the hometown There are bumps and bumps along the way, only oneself can understand the hardships of starting a business Here we will share hometown specialties every day Hope to bring… Continue Reading Fatty eats fat beef instant noodles| Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks |Funny Mukbang

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0:00 Roast Duck 4:43 RAINBOW LOBSTER 9:11 Somtam source

Fengwei Eggplant is made from crispy fried eggplant pieces, stir-fried with chilis and garlic. It’s a Shandong dish, and there’s two big styles of eating this – dry or sauced. The dry style makes for super crispy eggplant fingers… the sauced version ends up being slightly less crispy in the… Continue Reading Crispy Eggplant Stir fry, Shandong Fengwei Eggplant Two Ways (风味茄子)

West China and East China are two distinct regions with unique geographical, cultural, and economic characteristics. Here are some possible comparisons between them: Geographical location and features: West China refers to the vast and sparsely populated region that includes provinces such as Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan, among others.… Continue Reading Empty China issue #shortsvideo #viralshorts #china #politics #world #population #muslim #modi #bjp

作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

塔香螃蟹 – 熱炒美食 | Taxiang Crab – Chinese cuisine ***?謝謝你找到了我?*** 樂咖ㄟ灶咖,趕快訂閱我的頻道 ?:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4vDI0vNWbxe_Cy7ivK63rQ ***?這裡也能找到我?*** Facebook ?:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083754785796 odysee ?:https://odysee.com/@樂咖ㄟ灶咖:e #Chinese cuisine #家常菜 #塔香螃蟹 #wok_skills #cooking_skills #taiwanese_food #快炒 #熱炒 #台式快炒 #台式熱炒 #快炒技能 #熱炒技能 source