今天这道酸菜鱼,我用了秘密武器让鱼汤非常浓厚,味道鲜美,建议你一定要把汤全部喝光! 视频末尾有材料的详细用量和热量营养信息,欢迎取用。 Bon appétit! ? 鱼肉 ≈500g ≈530Kcal 鸡蛋 ≈45g ≈62.1Kcal 糖 ≈5g ≈20Kcal 淀粉 ≈15g ≈53.85Kcal 鱼汤 ≈1000g ≈180Kcal 泡椒 ≈120g ≈104.4Kcal 酸菜 ≈160g ≈105.92Kcal 油 ≈30g ≈269.7Kcal 豆芽 ≈150g ≈28.5Kcal 西葫芦 ≈150g ≈28.5Kcal 蒜 ≈12g ≈15.72Kcal 总计(2人份) 1398.7Kcal 每份 699.3Kcal #asianfood #chinesefood #fish #四川料理 #川菜 source

Chinese Chive Pocket is a type of savory pie from Shandong. The stuffing includes chopped chives, scrambled eggs, sauteed mini-shrimp and cellophane noodles. Wrap with flour-based wrappers then fold into half-moon shape to make it look like pockets. #ChineseCuisine #中華料理 #ShandongFood #山東美食 #ChivePockets #韭菜盒子 #ChiveLover #韭菜控 #チャイブ #AsiaFood #亞洲食物 source

热爱旅游,分享美食,我是唐哥美食,小吃货和驴友这里集合啦 早酒文化?:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLldbaAr_8cSZcUSUeBhBtXzvoTtqIeYfY 安徽美食?:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLldbaAr_8cSZUmEhg5-wkq4yiw7TNlTeb 每天都会更新最具地方特色的美食小吃,每天都有视觉盛宴,食肉小伙伴们,想要过过嘴瘾却找不到地方的小伙伴们,我在这里等着你喔 喜欢我分享的美食,就赶紧点击???链接关注,美食正在向你招手。 https://tanggemeishi.page.link/eNh4 #唐哥美食#桂鱼#猪蹄 常州吃特色菜,桂鱼打边炉,红焖猪蹄和美女老板娘小喝一杯【唐哥美食】 source

As generations of Chinese people have settled in Kolkata, they’ve re-invented their cuisine to cater to the taste buds of local foodies. For more such delicious blends of culture and cuisine, watch It Happens Only in India, every Sunday at 8 PM, on National Geographic. #NatGeoIndia . Subscribe to Nat… Continue Reading Kolkata – Where Chinese Food Meets India | It Happens Only in India | National Geographic

江苏扬州的市井味道都隐藏在老城区里,没有大排长龙的酒店和精致菜品,有的都是烟火气和日常味道。扬州特色小爬爬烧烤,只有白天营业的小炉烤肉,一串不到1元钱,透露着江南人的细致。一入夜才营业的面馆,因为物美价廉挤满了食客,面条现点先做,10元钱就是美味的一餐。 The taste of the city in Yangzhou, Jiangsu is hidden in the old city. There are no big restaurants with long queues and exquisite dishes, but some are full of fireworks and daily tastes. Yangzhou’s characteristic small climbing barbecue, only the small oven barbecue that is open during the… Continue Reading 江苏扬州夜宵面馆,10元青椒肉丝面,特色小炉烤肉,阿星吃小爬爬Supper street food in Yangzhou, Jiangsu

나라별 식사 자리에서 절대 하면 안 되는 행동은? 터키는 아침에 먹은 메뉴를 점심, 저녁에 절대 다시 안 먹는다고? ‘맛잘알’ 나라들이 다 모였다! 세계 3대 미식 국가 프랑스, 터키, 중국의 대표 음식부터 나라별 식사예절까지! 크리스티안??, 장루이??, 알파고??, 로빈??, 그리고 박찬일 셰프??와 함께 각 나라의 음식 문화에 대해 이야기해 보았습니다. #식문화 #미식국가… Continue Reading [ENG] 중국 VS 프랑스 VS 터키? 세계 3대 '맛잘알', 최고의 미식 국가는 어디일까?

Asmr Chinese Food Mukbang | 매운돼지고기찜 먹방 |중국먹방/통보쌈/족발/대창동파육/등갈비먹방 |통족발찜 먹방 |다양한음식고기 먹방 | 소리좋은여러가지음식 먹방 ASMR CHINESE FOOD MUKBANG EATING SHOW 중국 쇠고기 머리 먹기 중국 먹방 족발 대창 동파육 등갈비 먹방 통족발찜 먹방 매운 닭머리찜 먹방 소리좋은여러가지 음식 먹방 쇼 매운족발 먹기 도전 불닭볶음면​ 선지순대​ 콜라닭날개​ 홍소육​ 동파육​​ 돼지껍데기… Continue Reading Asmr Chinese Food Mukbang | 매운돼지고기찜 먹방 |중국먹방/통보쌈/족발/대창동파육/등갈비먹방 |통족발찜 먹방 |다양한음식고기 먹방 | 소리좋은여러가지음식 먹방

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