Hello everyone, here are Songsong and Ermao, two brothers who live in the country and love village foods (especially the spicy ones!). We’d like to share our life and bring laughter to everyone. This is a channel with funny videos about village foods, village cooking, spicy foods challenge, country life,… Continue Reading ?Black tofu or white?? | TikTok Funny Mukbang | Classical Chinese food | Songsong and Ermao #Shorts

广东江门的新会有著名的美食古井烧鹅,也是粤菜里有名的一道美味。古井烧鹅在古井村形成了一条街,有很多卖烧鹅的餐馆,各家有各家的特色。古法泥炉烧鹅,皮酥肉甜还有淡淡的陈皮香,筋道的鹅肠,风干的腊味。阿星还逛了和古井烧鹅这道美食有渊源的崖门古战场。 Gujing Roast Goose is a famous delicacy in Xinhui, Jiangmen, Guangdong, which is also a famous delicacy in Cantonese cuisine. Gujing Roasted Goose has formed a street in Gujing Village. There are many restaurants selling roasted goose, each with its own characteristics. Roast goose in an ancient clay oven,… Continue Reading 广东江门古井烧鹅,泥炉古法烧制,皮薄金黄酥脆,阿星吃江门腊肠Cantonese Cuisine Gujing Roast Goose in Jiangmen

秋妹做夏日小吃涼拌豬耳朵,淋上紅油噴香,配上一碗稀飯吃過癮! 【顏美食】 秋妹為大家提供了多種語言字幕,請打開視頻右下角打開字幕觀看視頻哦~ 大家好,我是顏美食的秋妹,別看我年紀輕輕,其實可會做飯了,當然也能吃飯~ 來自四川的辣妹子無辣不歡 秋妹打卡好吃的飯店【Explore the shop】:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIxgacX55yrhhDHgk1_8v9UaNyEV8o_1w 一開飯就停不下來的秋妹【Eat and broadcast】:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIxgacX55yrhs-wuni8QgSTXh7pse35sM 秋妹每天都會分享一道美食,讓人食慾大開,讓挑食的你,從此愛上每一道菜! 請大家多多支持,歡迎點擊【右上角】訂閱關注秋妹和姐姐,點擊【小鈴鐺】每天第一時間看到最新的內容哦! https://yanmeishi.page.link/naxz #涼拌豬耳朵#顏美食#涼菜 source

九转大肠九转大肠原名为红烧大肠,是山东省济南市的一道传统名菜,属于鲁菜系;该菜品在清朝光绪初年由济南九华楼酒楼店主所创;其做法是先将猪大肠经水焯后油炸,再灌入十多种作料,用微火炮制而成。成菜后,酸、甜、香、辣、咸五味俱全,色泽红润,质地软嫩。 Jiuzhuan Large intestine, formerly known as Braised large intestine, is a traditional famous dish in Jinan City, Shandong Province, which belongs to Shandong cuisine; This dish in the Qing Dynasty Guangxu early year by Jinan Jiuhualou restaurant owner created; The practice is to first blanch the large intestine of… Continue Reading 经典鲁菜之九转大肠,Classic Shandong Cuisine,Jiuzhuan Large intestine

山东青岛吃戳子肉,买550块钱海鲜给老板加工,大虾竟卖35一只【唐哥美食】 热爱旅游,分享美食,我是唐哥美食,小吃货和驴友这里集合啦 早酒文化?:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLldbaAr_8cSZcUSUeBhBtXzvoTtqIeYfY 安徽美食?:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLldbaAr_8cSZUmEhg5-wkq4yiw7TNlTeb 每天都会更新最具地方特色的美食小吃,每天都有视觉盛宴,食肉小伙伴们,想要过过嘴瘾却找不到地方的小伙伴们,我在这里等着你喔 喜欢我分享的美食,就赶紧点击???链接关注,美食正在向你招手。 https://tanggemeishi.page.link/eNh4 #唐哥美食#山东#青岛#海鲜 source

阿勒泰的喀纳斯湖是新疆北部冬季最美的风景,冰川,白雪,河流,森林,还有路上出没的小狐狸,一切都是安静美好的。阿星来到喀纳斯,品尝筋道的拉条子过油肉拌面,大盘香辣椒麻鸡,大冬天玩雪吃美食。 Kanas Lake in Altay is the most beautiful scenery in winter in northern Xinjiang. Glaciers, snow, rivers, forests, and little foxes on the road, everything is quiet and beautiful. Axing came to Kanas to taste the chewy pulled noodles with oily meat, a large plate of fragrant chili and… Continue Reading 新疆北部喀纳斯湖,过油肉拉条拌面,大盘椒麻鸡,阿星路遇小狐狸The gourmet oily meat noodles in Kanas Lake, Xinjiang Kanas

In series of videos I’m sharing my experience with different cooking books I used to cook 750 different Chinese dishes. In this second video I talk about Hunan Cuisine and Fuchsia Dunlop’s book ‘The Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook’. I discuss some typical cooking styles, ingredients and highlights from the book. Watch… Continue Reading Cooking 750 Authentic Chinese Dishes – Part 2: Hunan Cuisine