Yangzhou, formerly known as Guangling, Jiangdu and Weiyang, is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province, an important part of the Yangtze River Economic Belt of Jiangsu Province, a member city of the Nanjing Metropolitan Area and a city of the Yangtze River Delta City Cluster, and one… Continue Reading Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China

Eating hot pot is a joyful experience. Platters of raw ingredients surround large pot of broth, bubbling on the table. It’s not just a dish—it’s an experience. Chef Bao shows you step by step recipes on making delicious hot pot. Now you can make hot pot at home and enjoy… Continue Reading Top 4 Hot Pot in China | Chinese Food | Taste Show

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Recreating the Hakka Abacus Seed into our childhood favourite – Muah Chee. The traditional Muah Chee only has one taste but this dish has 3 different flavours, Purple Sweet Potato, Yellow Sweet Potato & Taro! I highly recommend everyone to try this recipe! You need not travel around hunting for… Continue Reading Recipe: 3 Flavours Muah Chee with Chinatown Food Corporation Hakka Abacus Seed

Today we will be learning to make another Chinese dim sum recipe. We will learn how to make black bean pork ribs. Black bean cantonese spare ribs recipe is a classic dim sum dish and it’s not that hard to make. For these black bean pork ribs we will need… Continue Reading How To Make Black Bean Pork Ribs 豉汁蒸排骨 | Dim Sum Recipe

Yiwu Market is located in Yiwu City,situated in middle of Zhejiang Province,China.1. Art & crafts market—- glass gifts, wooden gifts, crystal goods, bead &stone goods, Christmas gifts, and all kinds of handmade goods etc. 2. Stationeries Market —-pencil, fountain pen, ball pen, pencil box files and all kinds of office… Continue Reading yiwu maket in yiwu china

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