「把子肉」 帶皮五花肉500g 料酒20g 醬油30g 甜麵醬30g 老抽5g 冰糖10g 大蔥20g 生薑15g 大蒜20g 鹽適量 雞蛋4個 青椒4個 香料:八角1個 花椒2g 桂皮2 小茴香2g 香葉2片 乾辣椒1-2個 1.帶皮五花肉凍硬一點,切大片。 2.鍋裡來少許油,加入蔥薑蒜煽炒至微黃,加入香料煽炒出香味。 3.下入肉片翻炒均勻,煎至肉微微上色,沿著鍋邊烹入料酒,沿著鍋邊烹入生抽。 4.加入適量開水,沒過肉片,加入甜麵醬、老抽、冰糖,大火煮開,撇去浮沫。 5.轉小火,蓋蓋燉40分鐘。放入雞蛋燉10分鐘,再放入青椒燉10分鐘。 ps:如需加入雞蛋、青椒。 1.雞蛋涼水下鍋,水開煮7分鐘,撈出過涼水,扒皮。 2.油溫180度,大火,下入雞蛋和青椒,青椒出虎皮撈出,雞蛋出虎皮撈出. 3.也可以用油煎的方式,煎出虎皮。 清爽小菜:青椒 小蔥大蒜 1.所有食材料理機打碎。 2.加少許鹽、少許花椒粉,潑熱油。 3.加一點醬油,一點陳醋,拌勻。 一個手殘的人,喜歡探索經典美食的極致口感。 歡迎訂閱【简简厨房】?https://is.gd/9l82Rp Welcome to subscribe【Jane’s Kitchen】?https://is.gd/9l82Rp 喜歡我的視頻,請按贊、分享哦~ Like my video welcome hit like and share it~ 開啟小鈴鐺第一時間接收最新資訊~… Continue Reading 「把子肉」怎麽做?Shandong, China Stewed Meat【简简厨房】

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If you’re looking for an unforgettable dining experience in London, look no further than Carlton Lounge. Our restaurant boasts a unique fusion of Indian and Chinese cuisine that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you’re in the mood for classic dim sum or our signature Indo-Chinese dishes, our… Continue Reading Experience the Fusion of Indo and Chinese Cuisine at Carlton Lounge in London

One of the most delicious Chendol in Amoy chendol at the Chinatown hawker centre. A perfect dessert to cool yourself from scorching heat. Mountain of flaky ice covered with fresh and rich coconut milk, red azuki beans, the green jelly noodles (which were incredibly soft and had pandan flavour to… Continue Reading Delicious Chendol | Chinatown Food Center

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Gabriele and Caroline taste two Long Jing from the same farm’s 2022 harvest and discover their surprisingly remarkable differences. ? LINK TO OUR ONLINE SHOPS: ?? https://us.nannuoshan.org ?? https://nannuoshan.org ? If you are looking to improve your tea knowledge and brewing skills, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel:… Continue Reading Comparing Two Fresh Long Jing

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