把子肉,济南传统鲁菜,从清朝开始就有了,其味入口即化,香而不腻!| Bazirou, a traditional Shandong cuisine in Jinan, has been around since the Qing Dynasty. Its taste melts in your mouth, and it is fragrant but not greasy! source

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After retiring from his office job, Li Cong opened a restaurant that serves traditional Shanghainese fare that few others still make. His most popular items include fermented bean curd, also known as “Chinese cheese,” fresh scallops, and fish liver. But what makes Shanghainese cuisine unique? Chef Li shares the philosophy… Continue Reading Shanghainese Dishes, Classic But Quirky (Chef’s Plate Ep. 12)

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?? Experience the ultimate food adventure with Yaowarat Kway Chap! Video done by our production team, takes you on a journey through our delectable Thai and Chinese menu and stunning restaurant interior. From the succulent seafood dishes to the flavorful local favorites, Yaowarat Seafood offers an array of dishes that… Continue Reading Authentic Thai-Chinese Cuisine in Singapore – Yaowarat Kway Chap | Squeeze Media