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【江湖菜馆 第二季】从拂晓到夜幕,再漂浮的人也要回到地面好好生活。过早,午餐,晚饭,加宵夜,一座城市真正的底味就埋藏在十二时辰的烟火里。市井美食纪录片《江湖菜馆》第二季美味回归,继续打卡八座鲜香热辣的宝藏城市,市井美食鉴赏故事覆盖全天24小时,从一日三餐到宵夜江湖,全景呈现江湖百态。只要还有人不睡,这里就有美食故事真诚奉上。 观看【江湖菜馆 第二季】全集?https://bit.ly/39ao39H 观看【江湖菜馆 第一季】全集?https://bit.ly/3cwG6bW #优酷纪实 #YOUKUDOCUMENTARY #江湖菜馆第二季 #美食 关注优酷频道,更多精彩节目等你来盘! YOUTUBE YOUKU: https://bit.ly/youkuofficial YOUTUBE YOUKU SHOW: http://bit.ly/youkushow YOUTUBE YOUKU MOVIE: http://bit.ly/youkumovie YOUTUBE YOUKU ANIMATION: https://bit.ly/youkuanimation YOUTUBE YOUKU DOCUMENTARY: https://bit.ly/youkudocumentary YOUTUBE YOUKU English: http://bit.ly/youku_EN YOUTUBE YOUKU Thai: http://bit.ly/youku_TH YOUTUBE YOUKU Arabic: http://bit.ly/youku_ARAB YOUTUBE YOUKU Spanish: http://bit.ly/youku_ESP YOUTUBE YOUKU Indonesian: http://bit.ly/youku_ID… Continue Reading 【江湖菜馆 第二季】EP7 福州有口福:一桌闽菜荟萃山海风味 | 优酷纪实 YOUKU DOCUMENTARY

Today we’re back in Guilin exploring the culinary crossovers between Guangxi and the surrounding provinces! Super interesting, super yummy. Follow me on Instagram @blondieinchina https://www.instagram.com/blondieinchina/ Follow me on Tiktok @blondieinchina https://www.tiktok.com/@blondieinchina You can help support me and my channel (and watch my videos one day early) on Patreon! Come join… Continue Reading Why is Guilin food is so similar to Cantonese food?!