Australian Dan Ednie (罗丹) travels to Rugao, Jiangsu Province China to find out the secrets of the city with the largest percentage of 100+ year old people. This is an exposition of the habits and traditions of retired Chinese people in general. They include a dedication to exercise, speaking to family and friends daily, and an afternoon nap – but not too long – don’t get too excited.
在江苏国际频道的 “走读江南”, 来自澳大利亚的的外国主持人罗丹去江苏如皋来探寻当地人的养生的方式。罗丹是一个南京大学的留学生,他现在在学习中文,明年会读研究生专业教育。他也是江苏国际电视台的外籍主持人。微薄:罗丹澳大利亚。


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