在福建厦门的集美大社村,这里是著名爱国华侨陈嘉庚先生的故乡,不仅有各种风格的美丽建筑,还有很多美食老店。1940年开业的联生老店,传承了3代人,是闽南风味的家常菜馆,主打一碗海鲜炒面,量大料多实惠。酸笋炒鸭胗,爆炒鱿鱼,糖醋鸡翅,苦瓜花蛤豆腐汤,阿星吃3菜1汤非常满足。 Dashe Village in Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, is the hometown of the famous patriotic overseas Chinese, Mr. Chen Jiageng, there are not only beautiful buildings of various styles, but also many old gourmet restaurants. The old Liansheng restaurant that opened in 1940, inherited for 3 generations, is a home-cooked restaurant… Continue Reading 厦门家常闽菜老店,1940年开业,主打海鲜炒面,阿星3菜1汤吃到饱 Home-cooked southern Fujian cuisine in Xiamen,China