江苏高邮美食,水上漂阳春面,咸鸭蛋汪豆腐,阿星逛汪曾祺纪念馆Traditional food in Gaoyou, Jiangsu
江苏的高邮古称盂城驿,京杭大运河穿流而过,当地文化名人众多,秦少游,蒲松龄,文天祥,汪曾祺都曾在这里留下印记。高邮也有很多地道美食,水上漂的阳春面,高邮咸鸭蛋,家常高邮菜,这里的人爱吃也会吃,热闹质朴的街景,有故事的食物,活灵活现的人,仿佛从文章里走出来一样。 Gaoyou in Jiangsu was called Yucheng Station in ancient times. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal flows through it. There are many local cultural celebrities. Qin Shaoyou, Pu Songling, Wen Tianxiang and Wang Zengqi have all left their marks here. Gaoyou also has a lot of authentic delicacies, such as spring… Continue Reading 江苏高邮美食,水上漂阳春面,咸鸭蛋汪豆腐,阿星逛汪曾祺纪念馆Traditional food in Gaoyou, Jiangsu