隨著時代變遷,許多曾被記載的經典菜式已經失傳。「鼎爺」李家鼎再顯功架,將這些「消失的味道」逐一重現!購入現成醬料固然方便,但自家製作更能貼近口味!本輯《阿爺廚房》會披露鼎爺的獨門秘方,奉上各式各樣「功夫菜」。鼎爺還聯同好拍檔譚玉瑛到餐廳覓食,品嚐台灣、潮州等地的傳統菜餚。想在家中廚房炮製多款地道滋味,又可行嗎?此外,二人前赴塔門,深入瞭解漁村風情。在這個隱世秘境,又會發掘到甚麼特別的味道? 訂閱我們▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0FCCZhGfa-BnohSaQjwXGA?sub_confirmation=1 觀看更多TVB精彩節目,立即訂閱: Chinese Channels 中文頻道 TVB Best Drama熱播劇場: https://bit.ly/314gHAx TVB Comedy 喜劇台: https://bit.ly/2NooRQK TVB Action Drama經典武俠動作台: https://bit.ly/3rVntEv TVB Mystery Channel 神秘頻道: https://bit.ly/3rVntEv TVB Food & Travel 飲食旅遊: https://bit.ly/2NujL5I TVB Variety Show 綜藝娛樂: https://bit.ly/3vw4Ust TVB Mandarin Drama國語劇場: https://bit.ly/3vBxb0I Channels in Other Languages 其他語言 English : https://bit.ly/3cAtbVK Vietnamese Tiếng Việt:… Continue Reading 阿爺食譜| 芋蓉鴨、蘆筍炒牛仔柳、西湖菜脯牛肉羹 | 阿爺廚房 Sr.5 #24 | 李家鼎、譚玉瑛 | 粵語中字 | TVB 2020|美食烹飪食譜

My mom shows you how to make delicious Chinese garlic fried chicken wing recipe in a matter of minutes with a few easy steps and ingredients. These chicken wings taste so delicious and crispy with a golden color. Enjoy! ingredients marinate chicken wings for 15 min, mix ingredients together –… Continue Reading Delicious Chinese garlic fried chicken wing Recipe

Yufu, or Cantonese fish tofu! One of my all time favorite ingredients, I’m really happy we could finally crack this nut. 0:00 – Why everyone loves tofu puffs 0:22 – Introducing Cantonese Fish Tofu Puffs 1:44 – What fish to use? 2:25 – Making the fish tofu 7:46 – Making… Continue Reading The crispy, chewy Cantonese fish 'tofu' (绉纱鱼腐)

Watch Daddy Lau teach us how to make Clams in Black Bean Sauce. It’s a surprisingly easy Cantonese seafood classic that you can make super quickly at home! —— ?‍? JOIN THE CANTO COOKING CLUB ?‍? Develop the intuition and foundation to cook Cantonese food with exclusive classes from Daddy… Continue Reading ? How to Cook Clams: The Cantonese Way (豉汁炒蜆)

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