东坡肉又名滚肉、红烧肉。是江南地区汉族传统名菜,属于浙菜系,同时也属于川菜系,以猪肉为主要食材。东坡肉的主料和造型大同小异,主料都是半肥半瘦的猪肉,加入配料焖制而成,成品菜都是码得整整齐齐的麻将块儿,红得透亮,色如玛瑙Dongpo pork is also known as rolling pork, braised pork. It is a traditional famous dish of Han nationality in Jiangnan region, belonging to Zhejiang cuisine as well as Sichuan cuisine, with pork as the main ingredient. The main ingredients and shapes of Dongpo pork are almost the same. The main ingredients are semi-fat and semi-thin pork, which is braised by adding ingredients. The finished dishes are neatly stacked mahjong pieces, which are bright red and as color as agate


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